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torsdag 26. juli 2012

Married foreigners end up as prostitutes

Approximately 600 foreign women married to Norwegian men end up as prostitutes annually, reports say.

A survey of Oslo massage parlours carried out by the Church City Mission (Kirkens Bymisjon) that more are involved in prostitution, with many of the staff being Thai women who have been left by their Norwegian husbands.

Nadheim, the City Mission’s centre for women and men involved in prostitution, found that 70 percent of 59 massage parlours offered sex.

The organisation says many women from Thailand, a poor country with employment challenges, come to Norway in search of work out of responsibility for their family.

Worker and leader of the Thai women’s association, Kornchawan Thorsen, explained to Vårt Land what Nadheim is doing to help.

“We provide information about their rights, Norwegian law, and about finding jobs. Nevertheless, we are also trying to figure out the problems of each individual, helping them with everything.”

She continued, “It’s very difficult for them to find a job because of language, lack of experience, and knowledge. They cannot get a job via NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) because they’re not aware of their rights. They’re not given any information about these.”

2 kommentarer:

  1. Her kan dere lesere se.

    Hva kan dette skyldes ?

    Hurtige ekteskap er en ting.

    Men når kvinnene presser mannen til å underholde hele slekten. Da blir det nok en gang.

    Og jeg kan garantere at de fleste er fra Isaan.

    Dem gidder ikke lære seg Norsk, eller få seg en jobb .

    Og ender opp etter at mannen har fått nok på gaten


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