onsdag 20. januar 2010
søndag 10. januar 2010
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Support kids in Thailand that has HIV.
There is 104 kids in the orphanage, from the age of 4 days and up.
Give help to kids that have HIV and have need for your help.
onsdag 6. januar 2010
Utviklingen de senere årene
På den gamle bloggen er det kommentert:
Det dere vil ha er jo madrasser og nikkedukker uten selvrespekt. Ikke skal disse jentene gå på byen, ikke skal de drikke, ikke kan dere være litt gentlemen mot dem, ikke vil dere spandere, ikke vil dere sende penger hjem til deres fattige fam etc etc. Hushjelp, vaktmester, og sexslave er visst det dere søker. Grøss.......
Kommentaren fikk meg til å tenke litt.
Ut fra dette ønsker jeg å ta opp en del fakta fra nettet.La oss se på ekteskap inngått fra 1990 – 2001.
Legg merke til Thailand og Russland.
Er alle menn som inngår ekteskap med jenter fra andre land feil?
Har synet til den norske dame blitt dette som hun kommenterer?
Da disse er lite faktagivende og et syn fra som jeg selv mener handler om uvitendhet må jeg si dette .
"Hvordan kan man kommentere et slikt synet?"
Er det rasisme eller en sjalu dame som ikke kan få seg ektemann som har dette synet eller ................
Tidligere har blogger gått hardt ut mot Norske som gifter seg med thai.
Hvilken innsyn i Thailandsk kultur har denne form for blogger?
"Feks drikking og Thai. "
Hva vet denne bloggeren om kulturen.
Hva kan stilles av kunnskaper for å fordømme, slik som vår leser gjør.
Skal denne form for blogger være med på å styre hvordan den Norske mann, vil ha sitt liv.
Hvordan skal denne styringen skje.
Med å lattelig gjøre menn som gifter seg med Thai.
Hva tjener disse damene på det.
Forsterker det ikke akkurat dette som norske menn har oppdaget?
Sier egentlig ikke menn
"Dette er nettopp på grunn av synet som norske menn har
på, "single" damer fra blandt annet Oslo. "
"Hvor langt kommer den norske mann med en kvinne som dette?"
Kan dette være synet som møter norske menn.
Se denne bloggen.
Hvilket syn har norske damer på menn i dag.
" Har hatt flere samboere, og kan anbefale gutter med militær bakgrunn. De kan vaske gulv - og ikke minst DO - i tillegg til at skjortene mine har aldri vært strøket så ulastelig (og den setningen kunne sluttet etter strøket...).
Undersøkelser viser for øvrig at "mannens oppgaver" som regeler er lystbetonte (vaske bil, skifte hjul, klippe plenen) og ikke minst at dette ikke er daglige oppgaver, i motsetning til klesvask, matlaging, innkjøp, rydding, oppvask, etc."
Hva får disse mennene tilbake i livet sitt, med kvinner som dette ?
De siste fire årene er antall ekteskap mellom norske menn og thailandske kvinner tredoblet, viser tall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB).
Bare i fjor ble det inngått 430 ekteskap mellom thailandske kvinner og norske menn og 1156 dersom du tar med hele Asia.
Kilde: http://www.ssb.no/ssp/utg/200804/17/
Koner frå Thailand …
Det var flest kvinner med thailandsk, filippinsk og russisk statsborgarskap som kom på grunnlag av ei familieetablering i perioden 1990-2006.
I alt utgjorde desse kvinnene 47 prosent av dei ikkje-nordiske kvinnene som innvandra til ein mann i befolkninga elles.
Og det var flest koner frå Thailand. Om lag 4 900 kvinner frå Thailand kom for å etablere seg med ein i befolkninga elles (figur 2).
Heile 95 prosent av thailandske kvinner som kom for å etablere seg, kom til ein mann i befolkninga elles.
I tillegg kom det også om lag 2 000 barn eller anna nær familie. Det har vore ein klar auke i omfanget frå byrjinga av 1990 talet, frå årleg kring 100 til kring 600 i 2002 og seinare år. Over 70 prosent av thailandske menn etablerte seg også med nokon i befolkninga elles, men dette var av langt mindre omfang (om lag 100 i alt i den same perioden).
Ekteskap i Oslo og Akershus
Skillsmisser Oslo og Akershus
Dette er fylkene som har størst skillsmisse rate i 2008.
Akershus: 2 614
Skillsmisse : 1 393
Oslo ekteskap : 4 227
Skillsmisse : 1 470
Altså et lite regnestykke Oslo : 4227 – 1470 = 2757
Dette er grunnen for at norske damer er single.
Disse damene kommer med "Jeg har det så godt å være singel".
I stedet hvor jeg bor bruker man å si "Vel la det nå gå noen år så skal vi se hvor godt dem har det ."
Hvordan vil det være å være singel når man passere 40 år.Og tilfeldig sex ikke er mulig å oppnå for disse damene.
Kjenner flere av disse damene, som tidligere hadde utseende med seg.
"En dame som gir menn uglehoder når det kjøres bil og faren for å kjøre inn bilen foran er ekstrem høy".
Vel i dag sitter dem i en leilighet på julaften ->Alene.
(Prisen for et utsvevede liv, gjør at menn ikke vil ha slike damer.)
Men faktumet er at hvis dette er utviklingen, hvor er den Norske damen om 10 år.
Norske damer har ikke akkurat www.ssb.no med seg.
De ekteskapene som jeg har tatt nå er kun fra Asia.Men hva med andre land og ekteskap.Brasil, Mexico osv.
Synet tidligere til leser er at alle menn som gifter deg med Thai er feite og stygge gamle griser.
"Er dette et godt argument" ?
Eller er dette "typiske" Norske damers måte å styre det dem vil.
Dominere det norske samfunnet? Er dominanse løsningen for den norske kvinnen?
Undersøkelse: Institutt for samfunnsmedisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø
Norske damer har økt vekten mer en norske menn.
- Liten endring blant gutter
Urovekkende utvikling
Forskerne tror den økende andelen overvektige jenter kan være et tegn på en begynnende fedmeepidemi.
Utviklingen er urovekkende og at den bør følges opp videre.
Undersøkelsen er et samarbeid mellom Institutt for samfunnsmedisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø og kommunehelsetjenesten i Tromsø.
Så hvorfor ønsker menn Thai damer.
Vel i fare for å være latteligjørende av leseren ref kommentar " Det dere vil ha er jo madrasser"
Vel det er nettopp det menn ikke vil ha.
Vekt thai 50-60 kg i gjennomsnitt. Og dette kan være en årsak hva vet jeg ?
Men at dette er av stor inntressse for den norske mann tror jeg økningen av utenlandske ekteskap er et bevis for.
søndag 3. januar 2010
Thailand's 'Swiss village'
Thailand's 'Swiss village'
By Simon Montlake |
At least 15,000 Isaan women are married to foreign men |
Festival day in rural north-east Thailand is traditionally a day of feasting and dancing.
For Lek Sankaprom, it is also an annual homecoming.
She has spent the past 14 years living in Switzerland, running a restaurant in Basel with her Swiss husband.
But on festival day she is happy to be back home, picnicking outside with her friends and family.
Lek is not alone in her choice of partner. Of the 540 households in Baan Jarn, at least 100 can boast a foreign son-in-law, almost invariably living in Switzerland.
Like clockwork, the wives come home every year bearing gifts.
To many Thais, Baan Jarn is known as the Swiss village - though it is surrounded emerald-green rice paddies rather than snow-capped mountains.
Scores of tall white-washed villas with tiled roofs stand out from the normal wood-and-concrete homes built in the area.
Wedged between her greying Swiss husband and her somewhat tipsy friends, 39-year-old Lek frowned when asked about local attitudes to those who marry foreigners.
"It's normal here. They accept me," she said. "I have many friends here who also married foreign men."
'Growing trend'
The spread of foreign husbands is sending ripples through many villages in Isaan, a region of north-east Thailand where rural poverty has often forced both men and women to seek opportunities elsewhere.
Researchers believe at least 15,000 Isaan women are married to foreign men, part of a growing trend over the last few decades.
These women are known as "mia farang", or foreigners' wives.
The men typically take their wives back home with them, but the couples often send money to Thailand, which pays for houses, cars and even roads.
Even the old men are starting to change their attitude. Before they worried that the women would move overseas and not be treated respectfully Saksri Khomdet, village chief |
Their remittances inject around $35m a year into the region's economy, according to the government's National Economic and Social Development Board. This amounts to 6% of the agricultural region's annual economic output.
The windfall has prompted the governor of Roi Et province, where Baan Jarn is located, to try to recruit mia farang to promote regional handicrafts and tourism.
He argues that they can become ambassadors for a region of Thailand that sees few of the 10 million foreign tourists that arrive in the country annually.
The idea has already run into problems because few foreigners' wives live locally, while many of those who do take a dim view of the governor's emphasis on profits.
Sex-trade 'links'
Behind the economic data lies a tangled tale of social norms and discrimination.
In this region of Thailand, relationships between foreign men and Thai women are often viewed through the lens of the country's booming sex trade.
Many areas of Thailand are a world away from Switzerland |
Although everyone insists their sister or daughter met their foreign partners while working as maids, cleaners or cooks, suspicions die hard.
In Baan Jarn, local residents bristle at questions about the trade that lies behind the lofty villas and brand new motorbikes.
"Go away, I don't want to talk to journalists," said one young man, his friendly smile quickly dissolving into a hard stare.
One resident explained that recent media reports had distorted the village's image, by suggesting that many young women wanted to become mia farang.
Researchers say much of the stigma attached to these relationships has begun to fade in recent years, although the stereotypes have yet to completely go away.
Everyone wants a foreign son-in-law. They know it means a ready source of income German husband |
"Society has changed in the last 30 years. Now you have television [and] the internet," said Decha Vanichvanod, director of the research centre which commissioned the survey of foreigners' wives.
"People say, okay, if you want to marry, it should be your own choice."
Local officials in Baan Jarn point to the positive qualities of the foreign sons-in-law whose wealth has transformed the village in the past 20 years.
"Even the old men are starting to change their attitude," said Saksri Khomdet, a village chief.
"Before they worried that the women would move overseas and not be treated respectfully," he said.
But foreign husbands say local people's acceptance of them is often more about hard currency than Isaan customs.
They point out that the Roi Et governor's enthusiasm for mia farang is mostly based on their economic yield.
"Sure, everyone wants a foreign son-in-law. They know it means a ready source of income," said a German who married a local woman three years ago.
So why do I take this into the blog?
A house build in this area cost: 1,5 - 2mill baht
2 mill baht x 100 house = 200 mill baht
This is only the house.
How much does a better paid worker in Thailand make in his life:
40 000 baht x 12 month x 40 years = 19200000 baht.
So if this man not have kids and no bills to pay, it is possible to get a house for 2 mill.
What is wrong with this picture then?
A 100 men are building house they use some month in Thailand. Why ? To make his wife happy.
So is it possible for 100 men in work like high possession in Thailand, is able to make this village.
Or let us use regular worker in Thailand, like the clerk in blog.
12000 baht one month.
12000 x 12 month x 40 years = 5760000 baht
Now we see, she never can make a house that is made in swiss villeage ever.
Because this is gross, that mean food, electrical, +++ is not paid for
But let us now see the view from Thai woman that write about dowery.
- 1,000 baht deducted from salary as diposited in compulsary worker health fund..just in case she is injured...not for her family or parents
- 4,000-5000 baht for condo rent or bank morgate if she buy (poor condo,,not expensive)
-electric bill 1,000-2,000 baht depend on using air condition, central condo expense arond 400 - 800 baht in general
- travelling fee...on bus, van, etc for working...about 3,000 - 4,000 baht monthly
- telephone bill , internet bill...(have to do because lover is in abroad) 2,000 - 3,000 baht
So my point is > How get house 2 mill baht. Easy > Farange man.
Make farange pay for "my" dream.
Is this other then "simple street girl" she take money for sex and you pay 1 time.
These men pay every month for house that wife want.Then this woman is conwoman .
Maybe some men is retired and sell house in home country, and then make house in Thailand
But a 100 men ?
The area has now got 200 mill baht in cash, worker get house to build and area get also a "boost" when these people use this house.
This is now a big business .
Why ?
This men never can own these houses or this land. So in case of divorce who get this house and all.
Well I belive Thai wife.
Sin Sod
I got a view from a thai that i feel need to be shared with more people.
What we discuss: (This is the case)
1 Million baht dowry!
Sorry guys but I need some advice about Thai dowry payments.
I am 51 and have been courting a 44 year old Thai lady for nearly 2 years.
Things have been going reasonably well for us and I think the world of this lady.
I last visited her in BKK in June this year and asked her to marry me and she accepted.
Wanting to abide by Thai customs I asked her to ask her family about the dowry they would want for me to marry her.
She said that she would ask this when she went home for her birthday in October as she had to ask her mother in person.
This week she has returned and the dowry sum is a cool sum of 1 million baht!!! (this includes: sinsod, thong mun and wedding).
It would be an understatement to say that I was shocked with this figure!
She is fully aware that I am not a rich guy and I thought that she understood this, but I am told that this figure is non-negotiable.
Is this for real? What are your experiences? Brief background: She lives in BKK but comes from the south, (Nakhon Si Thammarat).
She has never been married and has no children, has a college education and works as a sales & admin clerk for a small printing company in BKK, salary 12000 baht per month.
I earn just above UK average wage, (c£27Kpa), and have a very small amount of savings, dwindled by 2 visits in the last year to see her and associated spends on her room in BKK to make her place more comfortable, the place was a tip when I first saw it – full of broken old furniture.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated Many thanks Doug
This is how a Thai woman think about this case.
I have read about isan women..and saw one story on your web....about thai woman asked money for downry 1 million baht....
she is from south region......working in private company as a clerk,,,salary not much....not be counted as grate job in here ,,,
but asking high downry pretending same as she is from high socity.....sounds funny.....south region or bangkok women also can be con-women
if they are from poor family and concern only money but not real love in wedding................white guys...should be careful
which family ask million baht downry from man ....expected that their girls should have very good education master or doctoral degree in here or overseas,,
or come from high famous family which have done good own businesses, or being government official in high level, not temperary employee,,,,
if working in private company should have salary not less than 40,000 baht in here so the women will deserve to ask for downry in million baht........
if the girls not have any mentioned characteristics otherwise,,,,they are just looking to take advantage...for poor family
in addition, my suggestion for that man are;
1. ask the girl with her open mind that,,,does her family has their own house in debt???and how much totally monthly to pay morgate to bank or private??
2. do they have extra debt to pay..from loan ,,bank or out of bank system??? if they have out-of bank system debt with any powerful people or private company..that must be cruel for the white guy in future......cos interest is so highhhhhhhhh as it is illegal way..but people do.......borrowed money 500,000 baht ....they might need to pay back 1 million baht for example.
3.ask thai south area woman how much really she expects him to pay her family after marry else??
4. the money 1 million is going to whose hands finally and for what purposes that they are going to use for??
5. the condo of 44 years thai south woman is rent or she buy???
how much she pay montly??
as she working as a normal clerk in private company which counted as very unstable, different from government sector......
she is working without social welfare for herself, parents, her kids and her spouse,,,
if somebody in family got hard illness just one time in one month, then all saraly will be gone also not enough..
if she put some money from her saraly to government health fund monthly then she will get lesser salary (salary deduction) and get benefits just for herself but nobodyelse, then 12,000 baht salary from private company is nothing for thai people...
cos at least 1,000 baht must be deducted for workers health fund...not cover all same as government section....
she has no offered house from company same as military, police, local government officials' residences (houses).....or no benefits project form workplace to buy house in lowest interest same as government do......so i think this woman will be so poor if working in private with 12,000 baht salary.....
u can imagine for this 12,000 baht woman who is working in private section,,,has trouble life very much ...as follows;
- 1,000 baht deducted from salary as diposited in compulsary worker health fund..just in case she is injured...not for her family or parents
- 4,000-5000 baht for condo rent or bank morgate if she buy (poor condo,,not expensive)
-electric bill 1,000-2,000 baht depend on using air condition, central condo expense arond 400 - 800 baht in general
- travelling fee...on bus, van, etc for working...about 3,000 - 4,000 baht monthly
- telephone bill , internet bill...(have to do because lover is in abroad) 2,000 - 3,000 baht
- u seeeeeeeee, now all money finished ,,,every month,,,who is giving her for breakfast, lunch, dinner??? which money for buying food, house products and costmetics...which money will give or support her family???
that is the reason why she and her family need 1 million baht downry hehehe
if the white guy knows every detail and has willing to support her for long....can accept after marry problem..........and really sure that she loves him......then he can make decision easier for his million baht downry....that she deserves or not....then he can love with using his brain too
...............for your information
In my mind, many of thai woman is using the old tradition Sin Sod.
"The meaning" to do something beautiful for her family. But make it to something that never was the idea about sin sod.
This is a way to "Suck blood" from a western man. Why ? -> So her dream can be realized.
And if she not can work by herself to get her dream.
Then she need to use other way.
So when many say " Buy woman" about thai woman what do they mean ?
Well make your own idea and get some more information about this.
I think now many Thai woman, get this mark from wrong reasons, because of conwoman.
This "woman" never mean to be married for a long time. Just long enough to get her "wish come through."
And who are the victim -> Men that really want a different life. And belive that because it is possible to "get" a wife,
That is Thai. Then family life will be better then with western woman.
They will after a while see this:
- Payment to family
- Payment for hospital bill
- New house in Thailand
- Car in Thailand
- And so on
How can you prevent this for happening.
Well ask you this.
Has you girl asked for something of this. Is she working? Why not?
Do she ever think about your need for pay bills? Or is it just her need that should come first?
If you have a view that you are being used. Well then your girl is also a conwoman.
Love should not come from money. And that you make a payment to make her happy.
Many Thai woman has come to Norway, in many case it is conwoman.
I want to point out for the readers this.
Rules for Sin sod:
Even though some Westerners object to the concept of dowry, many simply disagree with the amount payable.
The amount of dowry paid usually depends on the social status of the family and/or the level of education of the bride or her income alternatively both.
A) A dowry of a million baht for an uneducated woman is unheard of.
B) A Dowry for an average middle class educated Thai would normally be in the region of 100,000 Baht.
C)This varies as an example, should the bride be a divorcee or a ''Mia Maiy' - a spoiled/ruined wife, normally no dowry is paid.
D)If she has a child or children from a former marriage or relationship no dowry is paid either.
As an example
When a Thai man marries a woman he would generally move into the family home.
It would then become his responsibility to manage his in-laws business be it a farm or a store.
He would also be tasked with taking care of her family members and anyone related to her family.
Should he fall into financial difficulty her family would then support him.
The concept of dowry or sin sod even though alien to Westerners shows how closely knit Thai's are compared to Westerners who are more individual in deed and thought.
What is normal in the West such as "old age homes" or old age pensions are not standard in Thailand.
Children take care of the family during their retirement years. The dowry is therefore important in Thai culture.
In Thailand inheritance of the family home and family land is generally through the female children.
Dowry however is not linked to it directly.
The husband of the daughter in the family would therefore reap the any benefit of all that might have been achieved by his wife's parents.
Unfortunately being a foreigner you don't benefit from the equation.
Firstly a foreigner cannot own land or a house in Thailand in his name.
(Consult a reputable law firm to discuss your options).
It is the lack of benefit that most foreigners object to paying dowry.
Read more down below in this blog.
Regelverk i Thailand
Hvor finnes muligheter for kontakt med thai jente
NB ! Før du hopper til. Ta mine råd lengre ned i Bloggen.
Regler og dokumenter som trenges
Lag særavtaler ved ekteskap
Skillsmisse i Thailand – Divorce in thailand
Thai law has several provisions on the grounds for divorce.
You may file for a divorce if your marriage has undergone any of the following circumstances:
1. a 3-year period of separation from your spouse
2. your spouse has deserted you for over one year
3. your spouse has taken another person as a spouse
4. your wife has committed adultery
5. your spouse is guilty of misconduct (criminal or otherwise)
6. your spouse has physically or mentally harmed you
7. you can prove a lack of maintenance and support during the marriage
8. your spouse has had incurable insanity for at least 3 years
9. your spouse has broken the bond of good behavior
10. your spouse has an incurable, communicable and dangerous disease
11. your spouse has a physical disadvantage which makes living together as husband and wife impossible.
If your marriage has been registered under Thai law, then divorce is permitted in two categories.
- One is divorce by mutual consent, which is possible only if it is uncontested, meaning you have no disputes over property or custody.
But if you have disagreements and one party may not be in Thailand at the moment, then you must proceed to the courts to file for the divorce for cause. However, both parties must be in Thailand during the set court date for the case.
The divorce process in Thailand usually takes around a year and all documents concerning the matter are translated into Thai. Once the divorce is granted, divorce certificates can be obtained from the district office where the divorce was filed.
Marriage outside of Thailand |
If you were married outside of Thailand, you can only divorce according to the laws of the country concerned. It is possible to file for divorce in Thailand but only under certain circumstances involve the laws in your country of marriage, no conflict with the law in Thailand, your residency and the grounds for your divorce.
How to Divide the Property
Normally, under Thai law, any property that either had at the time before marriage otherwise referred to as personal property, remains with that party even though without a Thai prenuptial agreement. Any properties that both parties accrued after marriage, which is termed, "conjugal property" will be shared on an equal basis upon divorce. The actual rules are naturally more complex and Thai courts will usually divide the property in accordance with the law as well as individual circumstances. It is highly recommended that you have a prenuptial agreement drafted before you decide to marry as this maybe useful in protecting your personal property as mentioned above.
Debts and Liabilities
Any debts and liabilities that were accrued after the registration of marriage will be shared by both parties.
Child Custody
In regards to child custody or guardianship of the child, any party in the divorce can mutually agree on the terms of arrangement. This should be made in writing and then registered with the Registrar who will record it on the Memorandum of the Marriage Certificate. In the event that both parties cannot come to a mutual agreement, either party may pursue the case in court seeking custody or the rights of guardianship of the child.
The basic principle is that spouses shall maintain and support each other according to his or her ability and condition in life. With that in mind, where the divorce is granted on the grounds of physical or mental health, the spouse affected on this ground may apply to the Court for authorization to live apart while the danger persists and in such cases, the court may order a certain amount of maintenance to be furnished by one of the spouses to the other depending on individual circumstances.
If one of the parties becomes insane, irrespective of whether he or she has been adjudged incompetent or not, and the other spouse fails to give proper maintenance to the insane spouse, a guardian may enter an action against the other claiming maintenance for the insane spouse, or apply for any order of the Court to protect the insane spouse.
In other words, the courts have a wide discretion whether to attach maintenance measures in divorces in Thailand.
How to Safeguard your Assets |
Prenuptial Agreement
As it is often said, this agreement will let you determine in advance how your assets and debts would be handled in the event of dissolution of marriage. If you end up needing your prenuptial agreement to be enforced by the court, it is wise to make the agreement reasonable from the beginning (and therefore enforceable). For example, a provision of reasonable support structure for your spouse in the event of a divorce. This agreement defines the support limit, terms, amount and duration. If you left it up to a court, you would have little control over any of the terms.
Lease or Usufruct Agreement
When a foreigner along with his/her Thai spouse purchases land in Thailand, the foreign spouse must appear at the Land Department to sign a declaration stating that the funds used for the purchase belongs entirely to the Thai spouse. Therefore, the land is not part of any settlement should there be subsequently a divorce. In order for the foreign spouse to safeguard this financial investment in the property, a lease or usufruct agreement should be prepared allowing him the right to reside on the land. A lease agreement can be made for 90 years (initial registration of 30 years at the Land Department with two renewal periods). A usufruct agreement will allow the foreign spouse the rights to occupy the property either for 30 years or his lifetime. Under these two agreements, the foreign spouse will have his name recorded on the back of the Land Title Deed.
A divorce in Thailand is very difficult, and the financial and emotional costs can be devastating. One of the best predictors of a better divorce outcome is the couple's knowledge and understanding of their options. Many people do not fully educate themselves prior to the proceedings; either because they don't want the divorce, they are hurt and overwhelmed, or that they believe that they understand what is expected. The result is that they often make decisions without fully understanding the consequences, including the potential damage that those decisions will have on their lives and the lives of their children.
Better planning will help couples better manage all aspects of their divorce in Thailand including the emotional, financial, spiritual, physical and legal aspects.
Siam Legal specializes in Family Law specifically Marriage and Divorce in Thailand, Prenuptial Agreements and Thai Will. This is aside from the inclusive legal services which our firm offers. Should you need legal assistance please feel free to contact us or visit us in one of our 8 offices for consultation. Our licensed Thai lawyers, foreign lawyers and solicitors are here to help you.
Papirer som trenges for å skille seg i Thailand
Original documents required.
1. Foreign Passport
2. Thai ID card
3. House registration card
4. Both wedding certificates.
Photocopies required. 2 copies of each.
1. Foreign Passport data page
2. Foreign Passport page with latest entry visa.
3. Thai ID card (ensure this is an updated ID card with any name changes shown)
4. House card.
Two Witnesses are required (Umphur will unofficially arrange for a small payment)
On arrival the Umphur receptionist checked the documents and a form was completed, photocopies attached to form. A queue number was given.
Proceed to processing area and hand over documents. An official will call both parties and ask the reason for divorce and if any financial agreements are required. Once satisfied both parties understand they are being divorced the official will type up the divorce paperwork.
Wait to be called to the desk. The officer will talk the parties through the official paperwork. The officer, both parties and witnesses will sign the typed paperwork.
Then proceed to the senior officer who will closely inspect all paperwork ensuring all paperwork is in order before he and both parties sign the divorce certificates.
He then requested one of he parties took the written document to make 4 copies.
On return the senior official stamped the 4 photocopies and handed over 2 divorce certificates, 4 photocopies of the divorce paperwork plus passport, ID and house card.
No payment was required.
The process should take less than an hour If the Umphur is not busy.
Skillsmisse på ambassade
Det er mulig å skille seg på ambassade.
Det som er problemet er å få disse papirene godkjent denne i Norge.
Grunn er at Norge ikke godtar denne typen for skillsmisse.Og mener at ambassaden ikke kan utføre skillsmisser.
Og derfor blir dette en lang prosses for å få papirene godkjent.Dette mener den Thailandske myndigheter at Norge ikke kan bestemme.
Altså er det en konflikt mellom den Norske stat og Thailandske myndigheter på dette spørsmålet.
Noen erfaringer
Advokat (lawyer) Thailand
Opphold i Thailand
Visum regler ved innreise til Thailand
Telefon nummer som kan være til hjelp
Viktige adresser/telefon nummer
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