I dag har ting virkelig startet. Rødskjorter har drept en student som støttet gulskjortene. Videre ligger 2 studenter nå på sykehuset. Dette er starten som virkelig kan bli en borgerkrig. Ting ser nå ut til blir utviklet til noe svært skummelt Videre er det rapportert tilfeller hvor rødskjortene nå kamuflerer seg som gulskjorter. Og setter igang ulovlige handlinger for å få Politiet til å angripe gulskjorter. Det nevnes at handlingen i denne artikkelen egentlig er rødskjorter som setter igang bråk. Thaibloggen not going to update everydag on protest. The reason is that this is so much info I will update some news. you can follow all on the links : http://www.blueskychannel.tv/ http://tv.guchill.com/Blue-Sky-Live.html http://www.thaitvnow.com/nation-channel.htm Follow Parliament here PARLIAMENT TV
There are said that other Country not understand what is going on in Thailand. But they will after this. This told on tv last night. And in many ways i agree with the Thai people.
Here we have a crises that also involve the western and the news not show anything. Where are the reporters. They go to Gaza and other war area, but not come and see what is really going on.
You not see how the goverment force, and not see how this affect workers in any area. UN is very near the area that now has protesters, why nobody try to find out what is happening? Also people got really angry about USA statment yesterday.And now they start to think USA are on Thaksin side.
There are not many clear message from other Country in the news. WHY ?
Videos that is postet on youtubethat try to tell us in the western Country what is going on.
It was now a voting about if they trust Priminister Yingluck.
The out come was 295 / 135 .
So That mean that all democrate lose again. This will again trigger more uprise.
Thaksin has his power in Parliament, but what happen when people take power back?
What can be done if no ministry can preform there politic that goverment want to get done. Nobody at work, then nothing will be done. The whole thing is really strange for a western.
Why talk about things like nothing happening. And make decision that nobody will put into action?
Nothing is done about protest? And try to solve the problem. Read more here
It have been a long fight for the democrat people. Today i come to the step that i thought might happen. They was not able to take Ministry of Education. And went head office of police and tried to get support. The police come out to talk but it is now come to a hold.
The headquarters ofThailand'scentralpolicewereevacuated yesterdayafter more than 1,000protestershad surroundedthe building.Thepowerwas cut.
DistrustProposaltoThailand'sprime ministerrejected. A total of297representativesvoted againstdistrust,while134membersvoted for
And it is told that this will be over in 2-3 days.
“If they have no ministries or officials to work for them, this
government will crumble,” Suthep told supporters in Bangkok late
yesterday. “If nobody comes out to protest, we will become slaves of the
Thaksin system forever.”
There was big problem with internet yesterday. And i was not able to update any news on the blogg. Not many things happen because the meeting in parliament. People are waiting for what happen next. First the the leader are not arrested yet. Many news come on this, but he was on tv last night. To arrest him will make things worse, because he are calming people down. Many people want to futher. And without him there might be more problem. Picture from people in finance department was sent to Thaibloggen, but i think it might be used later against people. The tension in thailand is now high. I also hear people around my condo. Many that work in overment system are now home. Also some people that support the protest are now at work. The big problem might come on saturday. I might stay inside on saturday because this might be a dangerous time. Without the leader people might go to far. The are many people that was with redshirt that has changed side. People do not want Thaksin regim any more. More and more stories about how things are done under this regim are now heard. Corruption is filled in this regim. And people are bought from police to member in parlament. Thaksin really use his money now.
There is here some news. All department are now a target. I advise all foreigner to stay away. The parlament meeting went all the way to 03:00 at night. And i will try to get some information out on the blogg. If nothing come out for a while it mean that internet might be down. Here is what happen to people that is against the redshirt. This woman was on stage and gave her support. Look at here car. http://m.thairath.co.th/content/region/384043
U.S. Government is concerned about the rising political tension in
Thailand and is following the ongoing demonstrations in Bangkok closely.
We urge all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and
respect the rule of law. Violence and the seizure of public or private
property are not acceptable means of resolving political differences. We call upon all sides to uphold international norms that guarantee
freedom of the press and the safety of journalists. The United States
firmly believes all parties should work together to resolve differences
through peaceful dialogue in ways that strengthen democracy and rule of
law. As long-time friends of Thailand, we strongly support the Thai nation and its people during this period.
The Thai people feel that Yingluck make them embarrassed, and have send me some info on this.
Yingluck has a degree from USA. But only can read from notes. And sometime she not understand what to read and how she should speak.
This is some picture of yingluck having a good time. She is only a human also, but this is something that Thai people not feel proud about.
Yingluck out on the town, the guy holding Yingluck is the redshirt leader.
Then there is other stories they feel is not suitable for the head of goverment.
Proud Thai people feel embarrassed about this. And you have to remember that Thai people are very concerned about things that might give embarrassment. The behavior of someone is nr.1
There are news that say that only 100 000 people joint the protest. Look at this video. Do this looks like 100 000 people ?
There was in the news told that it was 2 mill people out in the street. And in saturday it might be more. If now thedemocracy leader get arrested. Then it might bea big problem.
People listen to there leader. And if he is not in there it might be someone that go very far. I wonder how Thaksin think about his security in Thailand if he return. There have been people with very clear message to him. There was people that on tv told that they will take him out . I do not know about this but that scare me . And if there is 1-2 million people in the street. At least some people in there might go to a longer step.
If Thaksin returns to Thailand he must have guard all the time. What kind of life is that? Not be able to walk in the street.
I think he might have a better life in Dubai. Also people in Thailand might continue without Thaksin regim.
And Thaksin might still have his company AIS and other and still make money. For a normal human being that might be enough.
I have no problem to understand that Thaksin want to help people i rual area . But he might still be able to do that. By making his money to do some good in that area.
Many political leaders has left in shameand never return .
Richard Nixon That not mean that his life was without meaning.And it might be time for Thaksin to understand that he is unwanted by many.
To follow the way to make your own rules, just because you have money to do so.Then you create a world that is same and an dictatorship.
If a people are split like Thai people are now, then it is not good for anybody. The respect of laws should be overhold by both side. But if someone use their power and break the law then other side will do the same thing. And soon we are in a state where no laws will be overheld.
Ministry taken by protest people:
- Labour Ministry and the Social Development and Human Security Ministry.
- Industry and Information and Communication Technology ministries.
- Agriculture, Tourism and Transport ministries
NOW !!! Picture from Goverment center Chaeng Wattana - Center are been taken now
The Police close ministry of energy right Now
The police said to all goverment official that " not work for this goverment all employees "please go home, do not work for this goverment"
People that work in the ministry come out and show happines and see for yourself.
" The sound of 1000 whisles are heard" Shouting Yinglack"
"Camera are all around police now"
Goverment official giving gift to protesting people
See all the people outside the gate
"Fight start in the parliament "
The guards broke the fight and now they are going on the meeting.
" Things are now happening so fast, so i hope my readers understand if i write something wrong"
Goverment officials are welcome in the protest peopleand are smiling . People are friendly and take good care of one another.The whole thing look like a freedom fight. Many that was redshirt are now united and walk with yellow shirt.
This because they are tired of this goverment.
I recommend to read this article and see the video http://www.na24.no/article3717542.ece "Taxisjåfører i Bangkok kommer
hovedsaklig fra jordbruksområdene nordøst-Thailand og tilhører
Shinawat-regjeringens solide fundament hver gang det er valg i Thailand. Det
skulle vise seg at til og med taxisjåførene i Bangkok begynner å få nok av
dagens regjering."
Circles the globe in his private jet, chatting with ministers over his dozen cellphones, texting over various social media platforms and reading government documents e-mailed to him from civil servants, party officials say. It might be described as rule by Skype. Or governance by instant messenger, a way for Mr. Thaksin to help run the country