tirsdag 31. desember 2013
mandag 30. desember 2013
lørdag 28. desember 2013
Today i want to show you some video - They are from protest 26.12.2013
This is video that Government in Thailand not want to show the rest of the world.
There are many that has been injured.
Yesterday there was a man that work for same organization as red cross.
He was shot by rubber bullet. These was 70 % hard plastic and the tip of the bullet was rubber.
He could not walk after being shot.
But let us see the video where Thai police attack the car where a nurse are trying to go through to injurd people.
Here is this nurse. She is now in hospital after this attack. Her lung was bleeding after police attack the car.
When she not had anyway to leave the car. Because police then would attack her, she got exposed by all the tear gas.
Thai police attack the car where nurse is.
Is this really police ? Or redshirt in police uniform ?
Also i have a video of snipers that are on the roof near the Government building.
I have never seen Norwegian police do these things.
Thai Police snipers 26.12.2013
1 person got killed in these protest. He had his education from Australia. He was shot by the police.
The Nation:
"Another protester who was admitted to Klang hospital was shot at his body. The bullet has pierced from the right side to left side of his body. He later died. He was identified as Jamrieng Jitwat, 31, of Prachuab Khiri Khan province."
May he rest in peace.
Is this what a government the really want the best for their people do ?
Is this democracy ?
NÅ ! 28.12.2013 kl 12:16
En sikkerhetsvakt for protestene er akkurat nå blitt drept.
Han ble drept da flere skudd ble avfyrt mot hvor han hadde vakt
Guard killed at protest site
Coup possible if situation demands it, Prayuth says
There are many that has been injured.
Yesterday there was a man that work for same organization as red cross.
He was shot by rubber bullet. These was 70 % hard plastic and the tip of the bullet was rubber.
He could not walk after being shot.
But let us see the video where Thai police attack the car where a nurse are trying to go through to injurd people.
Here is this nurse. She is now in hospital after this attack. Her lung was bleeding after police attack the car.
When she not had anyway to leave the car. Because police then would attack her, she got exposed by all the tear gas.
Thai police attack the car where nurse is.
Is this really police ? Or redshirt in police uniform ?
Also i have a video of snipers that are on the roof near the Government building.
I have never seen Norwegian police do these things.
Thai Police snipers 26.12.2013
1 person got killed in these protest. He had his education from Australia. He was shot by the police.
The Nation:
"Another protester who was admitted to Klang hospital was shot at his body. The bullet has pierced from the right side to left side of his body. He later died. He was identified as Jamrieng Jitwat, 31, of Prachuab Khiri Khan province."
May he rest in peace.
Is this what a government the really want the best for their people do ?
Is this democracy ?
NÅ ! 28.12.2013 kl 12:16
En sikkerhetsvakt for protestene er akkurat nå blitt drept.
Han ble drept da flere skudd ble avfyrt mot hvor han hadde vakt
Guard killed at protest site
Coup possible if situation demands it, Prayuth says
One protester killed, three injured in shooting near Government House
4 lawmakers may be indicted over charter change
Registration blocked in 6 provinces
Suthep: We'll seize Bangkok after New Year
Protest death toll rises to eight
Registration cancelled in 7 South provinces
Violence and bloodshed won't solve problems
39 die on first of New Year's '7 dangerous days'
torsdag 26. desember 2013
Demonstranter forsøker å stoppe registreringen for partier på valg lokaler
Politiet i Thailand har i dag skutt 2 personer.
Videre har flere biler blitt angrepet av politiet.
Dette er en video som viser politiet angrep
Personene i videoen var på stedet for å hjelpe.
Police thrashed this vehicle repeatedly while its female owner was attempting to deliver supplies to protesters.
Video 2 av protestene
Fra denne siden finner vi dette som Thailandske myndigheter hevder ikke skjer.
En kvinneskal ha møtt Yingluck på gaten . Hun brukte fløyten til å blåse sin protest mot Yingluck.
Politiet svarte med å arrestere henne. Hun fikk denne advarselen
" Ønske du å dø nå" ble det sagt fra politiet.
Videre ble flere av hennes eiendeler knust av politiet.
Rødskjorter med våpen
Videre har flere biler blitt angrepet av politiet.
Dette er en video som viser politiet angrep
Personene i videoen var på stedet for å hjelpe.
Police thrashed this vehicle repeatedly while its female owner was attempting to deliver supplies to protesters.
Video 2 av protestene
26.12.2013 News Thai police clash with protesters over elections
http://youtu.be/1-evvj2bnxsFra denne siden finner vi dette som Thailandske myndigheter hevder ikke skjer.
En kvinneskal ha møtt Yingluck på gaten . Hun brukte fløyten til å blåse sin protest mot Yingluck.
Politiet svarte med å arrestere henne. Hun fikk denne advarselen
" Ønske du å dø nå" ble det sagt fra politiet.
Videre ble flere av hennes eiendeler knust av politiet.
PDRC Akanat looks tear gas canisters, rubber bullets, live ammunition/M16 bullets
Politiet bruker "snipers"
STATEMENT : THAILAND People’s Democratic Reform Committee
Policeman killed in Din Daeng clash
14 protestors arrested at Din Daeng
EC hints at poll date intervention
Some things that media not show.
Relative of caretaker prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was involved in the packed rice scandal.
Earlier, former Democrat MP Kobsak Sabhavasu posted a message on his Facebook Page accusing the government of entering into a secret deal with the US government to allow the US to build a naval base in Thailand
Rødskjorter med våpen
Se rødskjorter sammen med politiet
Read this story here
mandag 23. desember 2013
søndag 22. desember 2013
Konflikten øker og store protester starter i dag.
I dag er det varslet enorme demonstrasjoner.
Dagens store løgn fra Politiet er at dette er 200 stykker som har samlet seg utenfor huset til Yingluck.
EC frets about fate of candidate registration for poll
Hva er DSI ?
The DSI is often referred to as Thailand's counterpart to the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Eller kan man trekke linjer heller mot KGB?
Ledere for demokratene ba alle om å ikke bruke bil i Bangkok i dag.
Dette fordi det er så mye stoff som kommer.
Det blir for mye å skrive om, slik at jeg må begrense noe av stoffet.
Det blir for mye å skrive om, slik at jeg må begrense noe av stoffet.
Det er dannet en kvinnebevegelse som nå går mot huset til Yingluck.
Dem kalles blomsterbevegelsen.
Jeg ber lesere om å følge sendingene på Bluesky.
TV Kanaler:
(Jeg beklager at det er noe uanstendige bilder på denne siten. Men den viser Bluesky live.)
Denne linken viser samme bilder som det jeg ser.
Akkurat nå er det store grupper utenfor huset til Yingluck
" Yingluck pai " roper dem. Dette betyr Yingluck gå av.
Dem kalles blomsterbevegelsen.
Jeg ber lesere om å følge sendingene på Bluesky.
TV Kanaler:
(Jeg beklager at det er noe uanstendige bilder på denne siten. Men den viser Bluesky live.)
Denne linken viser samme bilder som det jeg ser.
Akkurat nå er det store grupper utenfor huset til Yingluck
" Yingluck pai " roper dem. Dette betyr Yingluck gå av.
Dagens store løgn fra Politiet er at dette er 200 stykker som har samlet seg utenfor huset til Yingluck.
Dette bildet jeg legger ut er dette 200 stk ?
I morgen vil dere lesere av bloggen lese i media i vesten at det er 200 stk, tro meg på dette.
Dem er ment som en begravelse for Thaksin familien som styrende enhet.
Politiet har nettopp slått ned en kvinne i forsamlingen.
Det oppstår nå en del knuffing mellom politiet og protest folk.
I morgen vil dere lesere av bloggen lese i media i vesten at det er 200 stk, tro meg på dette.
Bilder utenfor huset til Yingluck . Se politiet, mulig dem er 200 stykker ?
Jepp 200 stykker dette hehehe
Blomster til Yingluck.
Dem er ment som en begravelse for Thaksin familien som styrende enhet.
Politiet har nettopp slått ned en kvinne i forsamlingen.
Det oppstår nå en del knuffing mellom politiet og protest folk.
"Women" march to PM's house
About 1,000 demonstrators
Hva tror dere lesere er dette 1000 mennesker ?
Dette er kun i en retning dere ser.
I andre retning ser dere dette.
Skal du til den Norske ambassaden i Bangkok i dag. Så kan du glemme dette.
Her er hva som møter deg der.
Jeg skal selv nå ut å dekke et annet innlegg til bloggen. Ber derfor lesere om å følge med på linkene jeg har lagt ut for tv.
Det som er det siste er at DSI har beslaglagt private kontoer til de som taler på scenen.
About 1,000 demonstrators
Hva tror dere lesere er dette 1000 mennesker ?
Dette er kun i en retning dere ser.
I andre retning ser dere dette.
1000 mennesker ??? Tror ikke det .
Skal du til den Norske ambassaden i Bangkok i dag. Så kan du glemme dette.
Her er hva som møter deg der.
Jeg skal selv nå ut å dekke et annet innlegg til bloggen. Ber derfor lesere om å følge med på linkene jeg har lagt ut for tv.
Det som er det siste er at DSI har beslaglagt private kontoer til de som taler på scenen.
Jeg selv mener at hvordan kan et polit organ ta beslag i private eiendeler uten at en rett har godkjent dette?
Diktatur har mange ansikt er det sagt. Kan dette være et nytt ansikt?
Jeg er skremt over hvordan vestlige media ikke skriver fakta i saken.
Det ser ut til at vestlige media skriver det som regjeringen og DSI lekker ut til media.
Det er flere fakta feil i det som vestlige media skriver.
Grunnen kan nok være at hvis vi i vesten viste alt ville vi ikke besøkt Thailand for ferien.
Blandt annet har jeg tidligere tatt opp om en monk som velsignet protest gruppen. Og ba alle ta vare på hverandre.
Han hadde ikke tatt noen form for side i saken. Men holdt seg nøytral.
Da han kom hjem til huset sitt i nord øst thailand var huset hans brent ned til grunnen.
Slike ting skjer uten at media får vite om dette. Og det er en helt klar sensur på hva som kommer ut til vesten.
Jeg håper at vestlige media får med seg dette:
City braces for protest paralysis
Jeg vil spørre vestlige media dette, hvis det bare hadde vært 150 000 folk tidligere. Hvorfor er det nå en slik frykt for kun 150 000 folk.
Sannheten er at nå kommer flere millioner ut i gatene. Men vestlige media er underlagt media dekningen til DSI i Thailand.
Og her holdes tallet nede på antall folk som protesterer . Det er blitt sterk kritisert av demokratene. Tidligere ble det tatt opp og beregnet antall folk i gatene.
Professorer har også vært på tv her i thailand.
Og det ble her beregnet det virkelige tallet , over 5 millioner protest
Diktatur har mange ansikt er det sagt. Kan dette være et nytt ansikt?
Jeg er skremt over hvordan vestlige media ikke skriver fakta i saken.
Det ser ut til at vestlige media skriver det som regjeringen og DSI lekker ut til media.
Det er flere fakta feil i det som vestlige media skriver.
Grunnen kan nok være at hvis vi i vesten viste alt ville vi ikke besøkt Thailand for ferien.
Blandt annet har jeg tidligere tatt opp om en monk som velsignet protest gruppen. Og ba alle ta vare på hverandre.
Han hadde ikke tatt noen form for side i saken. Men holdt seg nøytral.
Da han kom hjem til huset sitt i nord øst thailand var huset hans brent ned til grunnen.
Slike ting skjer uten at media får vite om dette. Og det er en helt klar sensur på hva som kommer ut til vesten.
Jeg håper at vestlige media får med seg dette:
City braces for protest paralysis
Jeg vil spørre vestlige media dette, hvis det bare hadde vært 150 000 folk tidligere. Hvorfor er det nå en slik frykt for kun 150 000 folk.
Sannheten er at nå kommer flere millioner ut i gatene. Men vestlige media er underlagt media dekningen til DSI i Thailand.
Og her holdes tallet nede på antall folk som protesterer . Det er blitt sterk kritisert av demokratene. Tidligere ble det tatt opp og beregnet antall folk i gatene.
Professorer har også vært på tv her i thailand.
Og det ble her beregnet det virkelige tallet , over 5 millioner protest
EC frets about fate of candidate registration for poll
Yingluck presents 'road map' for national reform, rivals unconvinced
Spotlight on foreign media coverage of Bangkok's crisis
Yingluck promises post-election reform council
Hva er DSI ?
The DSI is often referred to as Thailand's counterpart to the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Eller kan man trekke linjer heller mot KGB?
Department of Special Investigation
Se på dette .
Whistle blowers warned by DSI
DSI order the freezing of 20 more bank accounts of protest leaders
DSI freezes bank accounts of 18 protest leaders
DSI expected to file 40 charges against Suthep, protesters
Suthep fills his kitty with cash along rally route
Anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban received overwhelming cash donations as he led protesters along the streets of Bangkok demanding the resignation of caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.
The donations were in response to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) freezing the accounts of protest leaders.
The Matichon daily on Saturday estimated that the donations were about 8 million baht and Naew Na said they could reach 10 million baht. ''10-hour march, 10-million-baht donations,'
Key red shirt leader testifies to DSI
Se video av black shirt
"They are hired by xxxx Thaksi"
Det er også hevdet at hvite var med på opprøret i 2010.
"Farang Threatens To Burn Down Central World"
"A British blogger known as Spike Tennyson, who ran a website called 'Pattayadays' has apparently fled Thailand after he claims he received threats to his personal safety by Jeff Savage - the Briton caught on video threatening to burn down Central World during the red-shirt troubles in Bangkok."
fredag 20. desember 2013
Yesterday The court in Thailand freeze the accounts for The democrate.
DSI to freeze accounts PDRC leaders
DSI orders bank accounts of 17 protest leaders frozen
But what this does is to make the protesters more angry. And they will step up this fight. This was told in news yesterday
Protesters tell US to 'butt out'
onsdag 11. desember 2013
Bringing Personal Vehicles into Thailand
Bringing Personal Vehicles into Thailand
Temporary Import of Personal Vehicles
The temporary import of personal vehicles (e.g. car, motorcycle, yacht, sports boat, or fishing vessel) into Thailand by residents of another country is typically allowed for a maximum of six months, with the vehicle remaining registered in its country of origin. Travelers may bring their personal vehicles into Thailand without payment of taxes and duties provided that their visit to Thailand is short and the vehicle is removed from the country at the conclusion of the visit.
To facilitate the tax and duty free entry of personal vehicles, the travelers are required to place a cash deposit or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties with Customs. The deposit will be refunded when the vehicle, and all fittings and accessories imported along with the personal vehicle, leaves the country at the end of the trip.
Prior to importing a vehicle, importers are required to closely follow Customs' regulations and conditions on temporary imports of personal vehicles as described below:
Permanent Import of Personal Vehicles
Foreign-made vehicles permanently imported into Thailand are generally subject to taxes and duties. However, used/secondhand vehicles are regarded as restricted goods and, therefore, generally not allowed for importation into Thailand, except for temporary import as mentioned above.
Otherwise, an importer must be granted special clearance to import a used/secondhand vehicle and will need to obtain an "Import Permit" from the Ministry of Commerce. There are a number of scenarios under which an Import Permit may be granted. Each scenario has its own specific requirements. It is important that the importer determine whether he can meet those requirements before considering importing a vehicle. These requirements are outlined below:
In cases where the imported vehicles the used/secondhand, the amount of taxes and duties collected will be reduced according to the age of the vehicle as outlined in the table below:
Bringing Personal Vehicles into Thailand
Temporary Import of Personal Vehicles
The temporary import of personal vehicles (e.g. car, motorcycle, yacht, sports boat, or fishing vessel) into Thailand by residents of another country is typically allowed for a maximum of six months, with the vehicle remaining registered in its country of origin. Travelers may bring their personal vehicles into Thailand without payment of taxes and duties provided that their visit to Thailand is short and the vehicle is removed from the country at the conclusion of the visit.
To facilitate the tax and duty free entry of personal vehicles, the travelers are required to place a cash deposit or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties with Customs. The deposit will be refunded when the vehicle, and all fittings and accessories imported along with the personal vehicle, leaves the country at the end of the trip.
Prior to importing a vehicle, importers are required to closely follow Customs' regulations and conditions on temporary imports of personal vehicles as described below:
The documents required for temporary vehicle import include:- A Temporary Import Declaration Form along with 5 duplicates;
- A Vehicle Registration Certificate;
- An Identification card and passport of the owner of the vehicle;
- A Letter of Attorney, in cases where the operator of the vehicle does not own the vehicle;
- An application form for the temporary import of the vehicle;
- A proforma invoice or invoice;
- A Certificate of Legal Entity;
- A Re-Export Contract; and
- Other relevant documents (if any).
Import Clearance Procedures
Before the vehicle is released from Customs'
control, an importer/agent must submit a Temporary Vehicle Import
Declaration Form and all supporting documents, including a cash deposit
or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties,
to the Customs office at the port of entry. Please follow the process
described below:- The importer/agent submits the Temporary Import Declaration Form and all supporting documents to the Customs office at the port of entry;
- Customs verifies the Temporary Import Declaration Form and all supporting documents, assigns the Declaration number, and then arranges a cash deposit or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties;
- The importer/agent places the cash deposit or bank guarantee with the Cashier Division in the Customs Department;
- The importer/agent presents the receipt issued by the Cashier Division to Customs for the release of the vehicle; and
- Customs inspects the vehicles and personal goods, then returns one copy of the Temporary Import Declaration Form to the importer/agents.
Export Clearance Procedures
The temporarily imported vehicle cannot remain in
Thailand longer than the time constraints indicated in the Re-Export
Contract. Once this time limit has been exceeded, the vehicle no longer
qualifies for temporary entry and must be exported. All fittings and
accessories imported with the personal vehicle must also be exported
with that same vehicle. Please follow the below procedure:- The exporter/agent submits the copy of the Temporary Import Declaration Form (issued by Customs upon importation) to the Customs office at the port of exportation; and
- Customs inspects the vehicle and personal goods, then returns the cash deposit or bank guarantee submitted at the time of importation to the exporter/agent.
Important Notices
- Breach of Contract: Customs will confiscate the cash deposit or bank guarantee submitted at the time of importation in cases where the importer does not export the vehicle from Thailand at the conclusion of the visit within the time limits indicated in the Re-export Contract.
- Extension of the Temporary Allowance: Customs may extend the time limit to allow a vehicle to remain in Thailand for up to six months of its arrival in Thailand, provided a written request is made in advance. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. mechanical problems, car accident, etc.) the time limit may be extended to more than six months but not exceeding eight months from the date of importation.
- Guarantee and Security: The importer is able to
place a security deposit using cash or a bank guarantee. However, for
temporary imports of motorcycles , the importer is allowed to offer
himself as a guarantee if the motorcycle is imported through one of
three ports of entry: Bangkok International Airport Customs Bureau,
Bangkok Port Customs Bureau or the Bangkok Customs Bureau.
In an exceptional circumstance, Customs may also allow the importer bringing in the vehicle through other ports of entry to offer himself as a guarantee if he is unable to place the deposit in cash or the bank guarantee. The amount of the cash deposit or bank guarantee required by Customs is determined on the basis of all liable taxes and duties to be paid to Customs.
- Imposition of Guarantee and Security: The
temporarily imported vehicles cannot remain in Thailand longer than the
time constraints indicated the Re-Export Contract. Once these time
limits have been exceeded, the vehicles no longer qualify for temporary
entry and must be exported.
When the temporary time limits have
been met, or the importer provides a written notice to Customs that he
does not wish to export the vehicle, Customs will impose the full amount
of liable taxes and duties as indicated in the Re-Export Contract
without any reduction.
In cases where the traveler/tourist temporarily brings motor vehicles or motorcycles into Thailand for a short visit through the above border points and is unable remove them within the time limits indicated in the Re-Export Contract, provided he does not intend to violate the Contract, a 100-Baht fine per day, but not exceeding 1,000 Baht in total, shall be charged from the expiry date of the Contract.
In cases where the traveler/tourist temporarily brings boats/vessels into Thailand and intends to take them from Thailand at the conclusion of the visit, but is unable to take them within the time limits indicated in the Re-Export Contract, provided he does not intend to violate the Contract, a 500-Baht fine per day, but not exceeding 5,000 Baht in total, shall be charged from the expiry date of the Contract.
- The terms “yacht/ sports boat” refers to any boat used solely for pleasure or sports, but excludes those imported for commercial, military, and scientific research purposes. An owner/operator of a yacht/sports boat or fishing vessel from abroad is required to make an arrival and departure report of such boat or vessel to Customs upon entering or leaving the country as the case may be.
For additional information, please contact:- The Formalities Section, Privilege and Investment Promotion Sub-Division
- The Import Formalities Division, Bangkok Port Customs Bureau
- The Privilege and Investment Promotion Sub-Division, Import Formalities Division, Bangkok International Airport Customs Bureau, or
- Any port of entry during office hours.
Permanent Import of Personal Vehicles
Foreign-made vehicles permanently imported into Thailand are generally subject to taxes and duties. However, used/secondhand vehicles are regarded as restricted goods and, therefore, generally not allowed for importation into Thailand, except for temporary import as mentioned above.
Otherwise, an importer must be granted special clearance to import a used/secondhand vehicle and will need to obtain an "Import Permit" from the Ministry of Commerce. There are a number of scenarios under which an Import Permit may be granted. Each scenario has its own specific requirements. It is important that the importer determine whether he can meet those requirements before considering importing a vehicle. These requirements are outlined below:
Importers meeting the criteria below are eligible to import ONE used/secondhand vehicle for personal use:- Nonresidents
Nonresidents with non-immigrant visas issued by the Immigration Department and work permits issued by the Ministry of Labor to work in Thailand for at least one year at the time of importation. - Thai Residents: Thai residents are divided into two categories:
a) Returning Thai residents working/studying/living abroad: The permanent import of personal vehicles under this condition is allowed only when the vehicle is accompanied by the owner on the change of residence and the importer have owned, possessed, and used the imported vehicles together with a valid driving license for at least one and a half year while abroad.
b) Returning Thai residents marrying foreigners: It is required that the importer have owned, possessed, and used the imported vehicle while staying abroad for at least one and a half years from the date of the transfer of ownership to the date of arriving in Thailand. In addition, a Marriage Certificate and relevant evidence indicating the change of residence to Thailand must also be presented to Customs.
The documentation required for permanent import of brand new personal vehicles includes:- An Import Declaration Form
- A Bill of Lading or Air Waybill
- Sale documents (if any)
- A Delivery Order (Customs Form No. 100/1)
- A Foreign Transaction Form 2 in cases where the CIF value of the imported vehicles exceeds 500,000 Baht
- An insurance premium invoice
- Other relevant documents (if any)
- A House Certificate and Identification Card
- A passport in cases of a change of residence
- A Vehicle Registration Certificate indicating that the imported vehicle was used abroad
- An import permit from the Ministry of Commerce
Import Clearance Procedures
The importer is required to formally clear the
vehicles through Customs at the port of entry. To avoid any delays,
please have all documents mentioned above and follow the process listed
below:- The importer/agent must submit an Import Declaration Form together with all supporting documents to the Customs office at the port of entry
- Customs verifies the documents and assesses payable taxes and duties
- The importer/agent pays liable taxes and duties at the Customs Department's Cashier Division
- The importer/agent presents the receipt issued by the Cashier Division to Customs at the warehouse to take custody of the imported vehicles from Customs
Tax and Duty Assessment
An individual who imports vehicles for personal
use, or a commercial importer, may be liable for payment of taxes and
duties. The Customs value of the imported vehicles shall be determined
on the basis of the CIF value (Cost & Insurance & Freight).In cases where the imported vehicles the used/secondhand, the amount of taxes and duties collected will be reduced according to the age of the vehicle as outlined in the table below:
Discount Rates for Used/Secondhand Vehicles
Period |
Not exceeding
2 months
But not exceeding
2.5 % Discount
Period |
2 months
But not exceeding
4 months
5 % Discount
Period |
4 months
But not exceeding
6 months
7.5 % Discount
Period |
6 months
But not exceeding
8 months
10 % Discount
Period |
8 months
But not exceeding
10 months
12.50 % Discount
Period |
10 months
But not exceeding
1 year
15.00 % Discount
Period |
1 year
But not exceeding
1 year
2 months
16.67 % Discount
Period |
1 year
2 months
But not exceeding
1 year
4 months
18.33 % Discount
Period |
1 year
4 months
But not exceeding
1 year
6 months
20.00 % Discount
Period |
1 year
6 months
But not exceeding
1 year
8 months
21.67 % Discount
Period |
1 year
8 months
But not exceeding
1 year
10 months
23.33 % Discount
Period |
1 year
10 months
But not exceeding
2 years
25.00 % Discount
Period |
2 years
But not exceeding
2 years
2 months
26.67 % Discount
Period |
2 years
2 months
But not exceeding
2 years
4 months
28.33 % Discount
Period |
2 years
4 months
But not exceeding
2 years
6 months
30.00 % Discount
Period |
2 years
6 months
But not exceeding
2 years
8 months
31.67 % Discount
Period |
2 years
8 months
But not exceeding
2 years
10 months
33.33 % Discount
Period |
2 years
10 months
But not exceeding
3 years
35.00 % Discount
Period |
3 years
But not exceeding
3 years
2 months
36.67 % Discount
Period |
3 years
2 months
But not exceeding
3 years
4 months
38.33 % Discount
Period |
3 years
4 months
But not exceeding
3 years
6 months
40.00 % Discount
Period |
3 years
6 months
But not exceeding
3 years
8 months
41.67 % Discount
Period |
3 years
8 months
But not exceeding
3 years
10 months
43.33 % Discount
Period |
3 years
10 months
But not exceeding
4 years
45.00 % Discount
Period |
4 years
But not exceeding
4 years
2 months
46.67 % Discount
Period |
4 years
2 months
But not exceeding
4 years
4 months
48.33 % Discount
Period |
4 years
4 months
But not exceeding
4 years
6 months
50.00 % Discount
Period |
4 years
6 months
But not exceeding
4 years
8 months
51.67 % Discount
Period |
4 years
8 months
But not exceeding
4 years
10 months
53.33 % Discount
Period |
4 years
10 months
But not exceeding
5 years
55.00 % Discount
Period |
5 years
But not exceeding
5 years
2 months
55.83 % Discount
Period |
5 years
2 months
But not exceeding
5 years
4 months
56.67 % Discount
Period |
5 years
4 months
But not exceeding
5 years
6 months
57.50 % Discount
Period |
5 years
6 months
But not exceeding
5 years
8 months
58.33 % Discount
Period |
5 years
8 months
But not exceeding
5 years
10 months
59.17 % Discount
Period |
5 years
10 months
But not exceeding
60.00 % Discount
Period |
6 years
But not exceeding
6 years
2 months
60.50 % Discount
Period |
6 years
2 months
But not exceeding
6 years
4 months
61.00 % Discount
Period |
6 years
4 months
But not exceeding
6 years
6 months
61.50 % Discount
Period |
6 years
6 months
But not exceeding
6 years
8 months
62.00 % Discount
Period |
6 years
8 months
But not exceeding
6 years
10 months
62.50 % Discount
Period |
6 years
10 months
But not exceeding
7 years
63.00 % Discount
Period |
7 years
But not exceeding
7 years
2 months
63.50 % Discount
Period |
7 years
2 months
But not exceeding
7 years
4 months
64.00 % Discount
Period |
7 years
4 months
But not exceeding
7 years
6 months
64.50 % Discount
Period |
7 years
6 months
But not exceeding
7 years
8 months
65.00 % Discount
Period |
7 years
8 months
But not exceeding
7 years
10 months
65.50 % Discount
Period |
7 years
10 months
But not exceeding
8 years
66.00 % Discount
Period |
8 years
But not exceeding
8 years
2 months
66.33 % Discount
Period |
8 years
2 months
But not exceeding
8 years
4 months
66.67 % Discount
Period |
8 years
4 months
But not exceeding
8 years
6 months
67.00 % Discount
Period |
8 years
6 months
But not exceeding
8 years
8 months
67.33 % Discount
Period |
8 years
8 months
But not exceeding
8 years
10 months
67.67 % Discount
Period |
8 years
10 months
But not exceeding
9 years
68.00 % Discount
Period |
9 years
But not exceeding
9 years
2 months
68.33 % Discount
Period |
9 years
2 months
But not exceeding
9 years
4 months
68.67 % Discount
Period |
9 years
4 months
But not exceeding
9 years
6 months
69.00 % Discount
Period |
9 years
6 months
But not exceeding
9 years
8 months
69.33 % Discount
Period |
9 years
8 months
But not exceeding
9 years
10 months
69.67 % Discount
Period |
9 years
10 months
But not exceeding
10 years
70.00 % Discount
Period |
10 years
Table of Tax and Duty Rates
Type of Vehicles
Cylinder Capacity
Duty (%)
Excise Tax (%) (Multiplier)
Interior Tax
Total (%)
Personal Vehicle
Not exceeding 2400 cc.
Exceeding 2,400 cc. but not exceeding 3000 cc. and less than 220 horse power
Not exceeding 3000 cc. or with more than 220 horse power
Off road 4x4 vehicles
Not exceeding 2400 cc.
Exceeding 2,400 cc. but not exceeding 3000 cc. and less than 220 power horse
Example Calculation of Taxes and Duties | ||
The following example shows a breakdown of the liable taxes and duties assessed on vehicles less than 2400 c.c. cylinder capacity with a CIF value of 1,000,000 Baht. | ||
CIF value of the imported vehicle and applicable taxes and duties are as follows: | ||
= | 1,000,000 Baht |
= | 80 % |
= | 35 % |
= | 10 % of excise tax |
= | 7 % |
The total import duties and taxes imposed on this import are calculated as follows: |
1. Import duty | = | (CIF value * Rate of import duty) |
= | (1,000,000 * 0.8) | |
= | 800,000 Baht | |
2. Excise tax | = | (CIF value + import duty) * [Rate of excise tax/1-(1.1 * Rate of excise tax)] |
= | (1,000,000+800,000) * [0.35/1-(1.1*0.35)] | |
= | 1,800,000 * 0.5691057 | |
= | 1,024,390.20 Baht | |
3. Interior tax | = | Excise tax * Rate of interior tax |
= | 1,024,390.20 * 0.1 | |
= | 102,439.02 Baht | |
4. Base VAT | = | (CIF value+ Import duty+ Excise tax + Interior tax) |
= | (1,000,000 + 800,000 + 1,024,390.20 + 102,439.02) | |
= | 2,926,829.20 Baht | |
5. VAT | = | Base VAT * VAT Rate |
= | 2,926,829.20 *0.07 | |
= | 204,878.04 Baht |
Total taxes and duties = 1+2+3+5 = 2,131,707.20 Baht |
For additional information, please contact:- The Formalities Section, Privilege and Investment Promotion Sub-Division
- The Import Formalities Division, Bangkok Port Customs Bureau
- The Privilege and Investment Promotion Sub-Division, Import Formalities Division, Bangkok International Airport Customs Bureau, or
- Any port of entry during office hours.