tirsdag 9. oktober 2012

Northeast Thai Girls Run Fake Pregnacy Scam


A warning for the lovelorn, lonely, or those who play around to much, some of Thailand’s less scrupulous Isaan girls have come up with a new twist on an old technique aimed at leveraging extra money out of their beau’s.

According to Thai-language newspape Kom Chud Leuk, bar girls in Northeast (Isaan) Thailand have discovered a new trick to extract money from their foreigner sugar daddies by pretending that they get “knocked up”.

It might sound like the same old story but not any more.  According to some reports Isaan girls have added a new twist – injecting a chemical substance into their stomach in order to look like they really are pregnant. This unknown substance will reportedly inflate their stomach a few weeks after the injection and another substance is needed to flatten it.  One shot is priced at only Bt3,000 (about $US100.00) and not very hard to find.

The main rationale for the pregnancy scam, say some of the girls who have succeeded with the trick, is to obtain commitment, money or even escape from forced marriages.

Gaew, 22, a university student who succeeded in her scheme said that she managed to blackmail the wife of the man who had a crazy crush on her. After she got her belly job done she telephoned his wife and bargained for some hundreds of thousands of baht for her abortion and for leaving him alone.

In another case Som, 20, a university student in the Isaan region, used the same scam to get out of an arranged marriage her parents were attempting to force her into.  Now she can finally publicly date the man she is really in love with.

Who says pretty Thai girls can’t be clever as well?  At least, they know how to make some real Baht.

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