mandag 25. november 2013

Thaibloggen down with protest people

I promised my readers picture from protest people
Standing next to CNN where Thaibloggen today.

Many thaipeople wanted to take their picture with the editor of Thailbloggen. I had whistle and i might also be in CNN.Many people smilied to me and though it was nice to see a farange that joined there fight.

If you study the photo you see that i was standing in front of the gate that one hour later was taken down.

On the road home i meet these people

And the news was from these people that they have cut power and water to parlement. So now it is dark in many of public buildings.

Redshirt is in here. I go by here and i only saw 1 car with maybe 10 people

På radioen meldes det nå at det er 2 millioner ute i gatene.

VG Norway

Over 1000 demonstranter okkuperer finansdepartementet i Bangkok

Oppdaterte bilder fra TV.

Jeg ser live tv av Blue sky er nede.Nettforbindelsen til Tv kanalen ser ut til være sperret.

The nation

Protesters call for the army to take side

Tens of thousands of protesters join 13 marches : police



Demonstranter brøt seg inn i utenriksdepartementet i Thailand

See the picture, Thaibloggen was also there. See the orange dressed people . My friends are now down there. And send me picture if anything happen.


Brøt seg inn i finansdepartementet


Al Jazeera

Protesters swarm Thai finance ministry



Thailand protests: Demonstrators fill Bangkok streets



Stora demonstrationer i Bangkok

  Picture come from the protest NOW.

This might be 2-3 hours ago, They also send a video .



I will convert the video and upload as soon as they are done !



 These picture come from inside redshirt stadion



The editor of Thaibloggen is not with protest right now, i follow news and try to up date if i hear something.

Blue Sky is the channel that show all. This will go on at least for 3 days more.

The people will take back the power they say on tv

new picture from the TV
Police and protest people.

"No wepon only red rose to police"

Video sendt to Thaibloggen from people in this crowd.

Video here

It looks like things now have gone over to speech from redshirt and yellow shirts

Red side:

 yellow side:

From my condo i see many helicopter in the sky. 

Hopefully i might have some sleep tonight.
I will follow news tomorrow and update my blogg.

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