tirsdag 10. desember 2013

After the battle

What happen today in bangkok

Blogg news will be updated here:

The fight today is to get Yingluck to leave and let people take its power back right now.
If an election happen again the then it is abig chance that redshirt come back into power.

This is why the democratic party not want an election where Thaksin can use his money to get power back.

They want an election that is controlled by people that Thaksin not can controll.

So that is why protest continue.

" So right now there is not much news on this, it is a waiting game"

Thailand: Dissolution 'No Solution' For Activists

They want her gone, saying she is just a puppet for her brother Thaksin, the former PM who was ousted from power in 2006 and is in self-imposed exile in Dubai.

"(The dissolution of parliament is) not the solution at all," said protester Wallop Phuasaphol.

"Actually this is just another trick, another lie from the government. 

Because they are still in charge (for) everything in this country.

"They want to control, totally control the next election, which means they are going to go back and corrupt again."

The demonstrators now occupying the grounds of Bangkok's Government House believe the Shinawatras are corrupt and have become too powerful.
They want them replaced with what they call a "people's council".

Open to talks but Thailand 'People's Council' unacceptable: Yingluck Shinawatra

Thai protest leader explains demand for ``people`s council``

The sovereign power, which the constitution vests in Thai people, will return to people once the so-called "Thaksin regime" is uprooted, Suthep was quoted as saying.

People from all walks of life will choose representatives from all professions to form a "people's council"

Acting as a legislative body, the council will amend laws and regulations, as well as carry out a reform plan in the country

c)Decent people" with no political party affiliations will be selected by the council to be an interim prime minister and form an interim government

The interim government will implement the council's reform plan, including restructuring the police force to subject it to people's supervision, and decentralizing power to provincial governors, Suthep said.

The council's mission will be ended once the reform is successfully completed and a general election held, he added.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has rejected the demand for a "people's council," saying she did not know how to make that happen under the Constitution

To day it is also a bank holiday in Thailand. So that might also be why things move slow in this .

There are some news from this person.(Acting for Prime Minister )

-Yingluck not can resign because the consitution not allows a contry to be with out a goverment.

Also The Head of Police has come many times and tell people that they break the law.
And tell people to go home.

People are really angry on USA.
They feel that they have no right too talk like this:

The US strongly supported democratic institutions and the democratic process in Thailand, a long-time friend and ally, the State Department said in a statement Monday.

When USA not understand that the election will be same as before. 

And that is that money pay the vote for poor people .

Yesterday the leader told that what have happen in USA. And has nothing good to say how USA have handle this.
They do not see that Vote are paid by Thaksin regim.

This is a job for UN. To see if the election go as democratic rules say.

People are so angry that they use words that i will not write on the blogg, about USA and their handling on this.

After a slow day, it has not been so much to talk about in the blogg. I will update all info as it come along.

But today it was nothing more to tell my readers.

Bangkok post:
Dissolution fails to end protest
Time for major reforms 
Protest fever spreads into red provinces Familiar old faces, back from political bans,
Teary-eyed Yingluck won't resign, PDRC maintains pressure

The Nation

Suthep pushes on

People's revolution' declared

People power gets stronger

Reds oppose demands

US expresses strong support for Thailand after House dissolution

Private groups form panel to seek national reforms

After truce to honour the King, political battle set to resume today

Mixed views on unelected PM, interim govt

Think twice before arresting Suthep : police warned

Yingluck insists she will not resign before polls


Also some news that is older

Thai PM Flees Building During Violent Protests

The road to a people's council is riddled with potholes 



Also i am thinking little high now.

If there only was 150 000 people in the protest. Why did Yingluck leave her power.

The truth is that there are someone that not want to tell how many really that was in the street yesterday.
News are still being controlled by the Thaksin family. And there was much more people then media tells . WHY is that ?

This is what i hear on the news last night.

The leader thanks BBC news for that they found out how many people that was in the protest.

And then there was told that BBC News said it was 5 million people. Why the news only said 150 000?



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