onsdag 19. mars 2014

Dating Thai Women Is Not All It's Cracked Up To Be - The Pros And Cons

Source: http://travelinasia.hubpages.com/hub/dating-Thai-women-pros-cons

Thailand is one of the most popular tourism destinations in the world today, people from all over the globe come to Thailand to experience the culture, bath in the sun on the exotic beaches, eat the spicy Thai cuisine, and enjoy the nightlife. The truth is, the overwhelming majority of tourists traveling to Thailand are single men, with the intention of meeting Thai women, many of whom are hoping to have a relationship with a Thai girl. Most of these men will have an idea what they are looking for, and often it will be based on the stereotypes that are supported by the western media, as apposed to first hand information or their own experiences.

There are a lot of myths floating around about Thai women, many of which are absolutely incorrect. The typical idea that westerners have about Thai women is, that they are subservient, always waiting on their man, they are quiet, and never complain. Many people think that as long as you have a little money, you can have any Thai woman that you want. None of this is even close to factual, Thai women are no less independent that western women, and most will not accept a roll of total subservience to their man, especially those that choose to date foreigners. Contrary to popular belief, Thai women will not sleep with any man who has a few dollars in his pocket, even the prostitutes have standards, and in most cases the punters are more desperate than the girls, due to the law of supply and demand.
You will come across older men with beautiful young girls, and clearly this will be related to money, however if you are a fat slob with a dirty t-shirt, most of the girls will pay no attention to you (trust me, I know from experience). More often than not, the punters and the women are evenly matched, the more class and style the man has, the better woman he will end up with. This is true within all levels of society, whether you are talking about bar girls, university students or businesswomen.
The reality is that a relationship with a Thai woman can be very rewarding, if you put a little effort into it and offer something in return. The idea that you can get hitched with a Thai girl, and she will wait on you hand and foot and love you to death even though you treat her like garbage and your personal hygiene is dreadful, is simply false. In my experience being happily married to a Thai partner for over a decade, it is a lot easier to please Thai women than it is to please western women, however it is equally important to put forth a certain amount of effort.
Thai women also have their little quirks, and there are challenges that you wouldn't normally deal with when dating western women. I personally think the risk is worth the reward, but let us look at it objectively. I have compiled a list below of some pros and cons of dating Thai women as apposed to western women.


1 - Freedom: Thai women do not try to run your life, they expect you to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. It isn't a problem that you want to go out with the boys, watch the game or have a poker night.
2 - Sex: Many western men complain that after getting married, their sex life disappears. Western women have a horrible reputation for withholding sex from their partners, or simply losing interest in sex. This simply doesn't exist in Thailand, perhaps because Thai women know that there are millions of other women out there that are happy to accommodate, and any withholding of sex would be counter productive, and may result in leading their man astray.
3 - Beauty: Thai women are world renowned for being incredibly beautiful, with a petite figure and an exotic look. They also tend to take better care of themselves, and they age well. You don't see Thai women getting married and gaining incredible amounts of weight or letting themselves go. 
4 - Reconciliation: It doesn't seem to matter how big of a fight you have with your Thai girlfriend, it almost always seems that it is totally forgotten within a few short hours. They don't tend to stew on an issue for days on end, reconciliation after a fight seems to be much more simple in Thailand.
5: Femininity: Thai women may not be subservient, but they do embrace a roll of being the caretaker of the home, they do laundry, dishes, cooking and cleaning, without any complaints. They dress and act like ladies, and they put a lot of time and effort into their appearance, and overall I would say they have much better personal hygiene than western women.
6: Availability: There is no shortage of available young Thai women that are looking to meet their "prince charming". Perhaps because there are large percentages of Thai men that are gay or transsexual, there seems to be plenty of women to go around.
7 - Approach-ability: If you walk up to a Thai woman, smile at her and tell her she is beautiful, she will never give you a rude reply. She might not be interested, but if she is going to shut you down, she will do it politely with a little class. This is a lot more than I can say for many western women. 


1 - Money: It doesn't matter whether she is a bar girl, or a "well to do" Thai girl, she is sure to demand a constant supply of money and gifts.
2 - Family: When you shack up with a Thai girl, it isn't just her problems that you inherit, but those of her entire family. She will put her family first, always.. and your relationship will take a back seat when there is something going on with the family.
3 - Trust: Some people will say that you should never trust a woman, but this is probably even more true in Thailand. You have to be careful, there are countless stories of foreigners that get involved with a Thai woman and get taken to the cleaners.
4 - Communication: Unless you learn to speak Thai fluently, communicating with your Thai girlfriend can be quite challenging.Your relationship will suffer if you can't communicate with your partner.
5 - Cultural differences: Thai culture is very different than western culture, and this may present problems for inter-racial relationships. Learning and respecting Thai culture is an absolute must, if you wish to have a successful relationship with a Thai parter.
6 - Jealousy: As much as Thai women normally allow you your freedom, they are also known to be insanely jealous. They often have wild outbursts accusing you of sleeping with other women, and they can be suspicious of any interactions with other women. When John Bobbit lost his most prized possession after his wife attacked him with a knife, it made headlines around the world, incidents like this are actually fairly common in Thailand.
7 - Cheating: Men in Thailand often have far more opportunities to be unfaithful to their partner than they would back home, however this goes both ways. As easy as it is for men to cheat on their girlfriends or wives, they aren't the only ones sneaking around.

Read also
Marrying Thai Women
Good Thailand Girls
Advice for dating Thai women
Why I never married a thai

Check you Thai girl before you marry, here is a link.

Make sure that you not end up like these guys
English Man loses 17 million baht to his Thai wife.

Some forum :
 Female Advice: New Thai Girlfriend/Money
 Learning The Hard Way About Thai Women

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