Source: (Thailandtidene is an norwegian newspaper that come out in thailand and this is their facebook account) Use google translate in the top to read more about this.
Skotske Ian solgte huset sitt på et forblåst sted i Skottland
og bygde isteden nytt hus sammen med kjæresten Noi i vår nabolandsby.
Han skrøt veldig av hvor billig det var i Thailand. Det var før han
hadde kalkulert med hva slags kjæreste han hadde funnet seg.
Noi er en av nabolandsbyens velbemidlede damer. Hun
har forstått verdien av å vinne menns hjerter – det være seg norske,
skotske, thailandske eller andre nasjonaliteter. Ingen i vårt distrikt
har helt oversikten over hennes mange erobringer.
Hun er nå en voksen dame, og folk i landsbyen synes
hun burde begynne å se seg om etter en annen karriere enn å lete etter
nye faranger i Pattaya. I landsbyen mener noen hun bringer skam, andre
ser på henne med respekt, mens de fleste smiler og synes hun er god å ha
– for å ha noen å sladre om.
Respekt får hun fordi hun har et flott hus. I
moderne tider er hus blitt enda viktigere enn gullsmykker for å oppnå
sosial anseelse. Hun bringer imidlertid også skam, for ingen av
landsbyens eldre liker denne oppførselen, selv om de så gjerne vil at
døtrene skal få seg både farang, hus og gull. Som rik farang er du
nemlig svigermors drøm.
Hva som kommer først, hus eller ekteskap, er ikke
lenger så viktig. Tidene har forandret seg betraktelig på disse trakter.
I gamle dager måtte thailandske kvinner beskyttes av sine brødre.
Dagens brødre kan være vel så interessert i å vokte over søstrenes
rikdommer og deres evne til å dele dem med familien.
Noi måtte slite en del i Pattaya for å finne en
egnet farang denne gangen, men hun fant til slutt en skotte. Hun var
rask til å vise ham den vakre landsbygda – hvor sommerfugler leker i
sollyset, frosker kvekker i kveldsmørket, og hvor kvinnene ikke oppfører
seg usømmelig, men går i tempelet for å bringe munkene mat og lytte til
deres formaninger om å ikke gi etter for sine lyster.
Skotske Ian fremsto som en god mann, raus både
sosialt og utseendemessig, og han fant altså sin drømmekvinne i Noi. Han
solgte huset på et kaldt og forblåst sted i Skottland og investerte i
en tomt i vår nabolandsby. Etter hvert dukket det opp et hus på tomta.
Det viste seg å ha kostet tre millioner baht. Ian syntes det var veldig
billig. I Skottland villa han ikke fått noe som helst for den prisen, sa
Straks huset var ferdig kom han med fly til Smilets
land. Det ble selvsagt innflyttingsfest hvor det bugnet av mat og
drikke. Alle var glade – ikke minst fordi skotten ikke forsto hva som
var innflyttingsfestens store snakkis: De to mennene som jobbet hardest
for å se til at gjestene trivdes var nemlig henholdsvis Nois første
kjæreste og hennes nåværende Poa Noi – elsker.
Etter festen ble Ian et par dager i landsbyen, men
jobben kallet. Han måtte hjem, men han lovet Noi å sørge for at hun
hadde råd til å være hjemme og se etter huset, lytte til froskene, se på
sommerfuglene og gå i tempelet.
Ian var imidlertid en romantisk sjel. Neste gang han kom på besøk
ville han overraske henne. Han ville komme uten å varsle sin ankomst.
Han var ikke klar over at ingen kvinner liker slike overraskelser. For
når mannen kommer etter å ha vært langt borte, skal hjemmet være
rengjort. Det skal ikke være et støvkorn noe sted. Oppvasken skal være
tatt, tomflasker fjernet og skapene tømt.
Det var det siste punktet som slo feil: Skjortene i
garderobeskapet på soverommet var nemlig altfor små for Ian. De liknet
mer på noe en ung og slank thaimann ville iføre seg…
I ettertid er det ingen i landsbyen som har sett Ian. Huset var
riktignok billig etter skotsk standard, men det kostet ham en million
baht pr døgn for de dagene han fikk sjansen til å bo der.
De fleste i landsbyen tok hendelsen med et smil.
Noen følte vel litt ubehag, men er man oppvokst i en fattig landsby så
vet man at noe av det viktigste i livet er å sørge for å ha «Sanook». Vi
kaller det moro på norsk, men det er ikke helt dekkende.
For thaier er Sanook mye mer. Det dreier seg om å le, glede seg og
nyte livet – ting som gjør hverdagen levelig for en fattig sjel. En kan
ikke la moralske skrupler komme i veien for noe slikt. Lettlurte menn
får ligge som de reder. Og kvinner som Noi får selv ta ansvar for sin
karma – slik damer over hele verden gjør, inkludert i Bergen og resten
av Norge.
Missing for six days, Jetsadakorn Chaiyo, the three-year-old who
disappeared from his family home last Wednesday, has been found safe but
weak by volunteers with the Kusoldham Foundation after days lost in the
forested hills of Wichit.
How could an 3 year old boy make it for 6 days alone, in the heat and without food. And in the forest ?
Rice Dragon is a weeding tool innovated by women farmers to reduce weeds
in the rice paddy.
In Cambodia, a majority of small-scale farmers has a total of a hectare
of rice paddy or less.
Using traditional method they cannot make many
yields or benefits to support their family. But if they practice SRI and
use Niek Srer (Rice Dragon), they can increase their products twice or
even more.
Weed management is a key challenge in rice farming in Cambodia.
Traditionally, famers largely women have to bend over for days to remove
weeds by hand from their fields. This is very exhausting,
time-consuming, and ineffective.
Seeing a potential increase in yields if the farmers use Niek Srer for
cultivation, Oxfam has supported a marketing campaign to raise awareness
of the product and get farmers to use it.
Many poor farmers are very
interested in Niek Srer after many marketing campaign has reached their
villages as well as other villages across the country. Some farmers are
so happy when Niek Srer is demonstrated in the rice field during the
marketing campaign because they can see it makes the soil aerating and
weed removing.
So far, Niek Srer has been used by more 250 farmers across the country.
Many of the users have claimed that if used properly, this tool can
increase their yields by up to one tonne per hectare. This means the
potential increase in the value of smallholder crops is very high, and
this income can improve their livelihood and support the family needs.
The only challenge for Niek Srer is farmers are required to change their
traditional rice farming habit to cultivate rice using a method called
System of Rice Intensification or SRI.
( Produced by Savann Oeurm and Music by Kevin Macleod)
THAILAND WILL reduce its visa fees, including those for visas on arrival, for three months starting on December 1.
The move is intended to boost tourist arrivals, which is a key economic engine for the country. “The fees will be cut to Bt1,000,” the Tourism Ministry announced yesterday. This change was announced less than two months after visa fees were increased to Bt2,000 on September 27. Thailand currently offers visas on arrival for citizens of 19 countries – Andorra, Bulgaria, Bhutan, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Thailand innfører 10-årsvisum for utlendinger over 50
Men, det er ikke alle forunt å kunne bytte ut det gamle, ettårige visumet.
starten av 1980-årene har turisme vært Thailands viktigste kilde til
utenlandsk valuta, og mang en nordmann har forelsket seg hodestups i
«smilets land». Som et ledd i å løfte frem Thailand som et sentrum for
medisinske tjenester, har landets regjering godkjent et forslag om
10-årsvisum for utlendinger i alderskategorien 50+. – Det nye 10-årsvisumet vil erstatte det gamle ettårige visumet og
vil komme i to bolker på fem år, sier en talsmann for styresmaktene til
nettavisen Khaosoden. – Visumsøkere er forventet å være utlendinger som bor i provinser som Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai og Chonburi, legger talsmannen til. Foreløpig er det ikke klart når den nye ordningen vil tre i kraft,
men de som har det må fremdeles sjekke inn hos immigrasjonskontoret hver
90.dag. Ifølge Khaosoden
vil det foreligge flere krav som må innfris før det nye visumet kan
utstedes. Blant annet må søkere må ha en månedlig inntekt på minst
100.000 baht eller mer (cirka 24.000 norske kroner). Søker må i tillegg ha mer enn tre millioner baht (rundt 723.000
kroner) på konto. I tillegg må søker ha helseforsikring som dekker
sykehusopphold og bidra med minst 10.000 amerikanske dollar (cirka
84.500 kroner) i årlig dekning.
This is more serious. An Thai woman that talk about things that nobody say straight out.
Thaiwoman and sex
Thai woman and money
The reason i put these video out onto my blogg, is to learn people. So what do i hope you learn.
-Learn how thaiwoman catch men.
-How their views are on husband and money.
-What are their education. And where they come from.
- Would you marry a girl in europe that has no educartion.
I have learned that white women are thinking that the men that is married to a thai woman.
Is ugly men that not can find other woman.And they go to thailand to get a wife. Or they go because they are bad men ... and so on.
Well some do. But i think most men who get a thai wife. Are tired of the way white women treat them.
When i was younger i run after girls.Yes run after in a way where you try to fit into the woman world. You had to have a nice car,nice clothes and expensive this and that.
And the guys that had most money got the "IN girls"
This is the girls that every men hope to be with.But as i got older i see something change.
The same woman that was "in girls" got to learn the guys they ended up with. And most of them was well assholes.
But in this time these woman dropped in "the in scale" and was now not so hot anymore.
And now they started to look for stable men. But the stable men had moved on. And now they moved on to some girls they had no chance to compete with.
But many men that also got hurt by these IN girls, had now had enough.
Most men i know that is with a thai woman, has been with white women before. And their experiences is a way that tottaly destroy a man.
Why is that. Well here it is:
A white woman always try to change the man. If he like to fish. Then she not like that so she try tochange the man to like shopping.
If he likes to play fotball or any sport. Then she uses ways to make her needs first.
And i can go on an on about this.With how men dress and their way to change us.
Amd that is why men prefer thai woman. Thai woman not try to change you.
They might tell you what you look nice in. Like if i like white shirts.
A Thaiwoman would say. " Dear have you tried to use blue shirt".
And i think well that i never try. And she might say ohh you look nice and and thin. You are sexy in that shirt.
And that make us buy that blue shirt. A white woman would say. I think you look fat and that shirt is ugly.
And after that treatment you feel 2 cm high. But this is not all woman in thailand who do this.
But their way is not to make a man feel bad. And if you like something she make you do it. My wife know that i like to see old tv show.
Like Kojak,The saint, and so on. So if like that she make me some food. Kiss me and then say honey i go to the bed room to see thai tv naaaa.(Naa thai woman use if they talk cute to you. It is like they flirt little and smile)
And i never need to change anything. She allow me to be me.
And if i was with an white "in" girl i have lost almost myself totally.
She might even try to change how is my friends and so on.
But it is a but. If you marry a woman from the wrong place in thailand. Then you might end up worse then ever.
And the girls in the documentary above is not somebody you should marry.
Also if you marry a girl in thailand. Then think like this.
I take her home. And what do i hope will happen.
Do she want to work?
Do she help you and try to make a home with you.
Do you expect her to do the same things as an white women.Because now she is in you country.
Well if you do, then you need to thinklike me.
You not marry a woman that has no education. And has no skill from before.And if she has been a sex worker she has seen a lot.
And she will not want to do hard work as cleaner.
So if you are educated then you want to fin a woman near your background.
Also never get a girl that is to young.Reason is they never really love you. She is only there to find something new later on. You are the a bus stop. Where she wait until she can leave. And has enough money to pay for herself.
And Thai girls do change fast when they come to europe.
Also i ave found out somehing. If your girl always need to talk to other girls. Like they sit on the floor and eat thai food.Many times they talk about things that they would do later on.And how they do it.
And they are very clever to share how to o this an that. Then you might find yourself alone after short time again.
And here is something they do. They seek help and learn from same woman that you in the first place left you country to avoid.
So now white woman lern the thai how to get divorce and how to get this and that.
And now we become a bad guy. We man are often men who hit and we doonly bad thins to these small girls.
Well for some it is true. But most of the time.ANd here is what you white women not know. Is that these girls are playing also you.
They use you for know how. And later on they might even steal your husband.
Because girls from poor background use anyway to get to their goal. And i mean anything.
So not think that all white men that is bad to the small thai girl. IT might be that the thaigirl use you and the white guy to come to next level.
A rich man how she can get her needs covered.
And a poor Thaigirl always want to show off.
The want surgery, nice house in Thailand and
A car or motorcykle both in and in Thailand.
And so on.
When you as a man is not ale to give all her needs, then it is time to move on.
And here is why i write my blog. Learn where the woman come from and see also documentry where not to find a girl you want as your wife.
Thailand’s continuous economic progress can be attributed to the
presence of sufficient infrastructure and an efficient work force,
backed by strong support from the government. If you are in Samui and
would like to start your own business, it is advisable to acquire legal
assistance from an expert lawyer to deal with all the legalities
entailed by this endeavor.
Setting up your own business in Thailand entails following certain
legal precedents and could take several weeks. Take the burden out of
this process by having a trusted lawyer communicate in your behalf.
Having the best legal counsel assures that you avoid any unnecessary
oversight and delays.
Listed below for your reference are the different Business Structures, and the steps necessary to forming a company.
Types of Business Structures
Thai and Western concepts of partnership are broadly
similar. Thailand provides for three general types of partnerships:
Unregistered ordinary partnerships, Registered ordinary partnerships and
Limited partnerships.
There are two types of limited companies, i.e.,
private or closely held companies, and public companies. The first is
governed by the Civil and Commercial Code, the second by the Public
Company Act.
Private Limited Companies in Thailand have basic
characteristics similar to those of Western corporations. A private
limited company is formed through a process which leads to the
registration of a Memorandum of Association (Articles of Incorporation)
and Articles of Association (By-laws), as its constitutive documents.
A minimum of seven shareholders is required at all times. A private
limited company may be wholly owned by aliens. However, in those
activities reserved for Thai nationals, aliens’ participation is
generally allowed up to a maximum of 49 percent.The registration fee for
a private limited company is 5,500 baht per million baht of capital.
Public Limited Companies registered in Thailand may,
subject to compliance with the prospectus, approval, and other
requirements, offer shares, debentures and warrants to the public and
may apply to have their securities listed on the Stock Exchange of
Thailand (SET).
A minimum of 15 promoters is required for the formation and
registration of the memorandum of association of a public limited
company, and the promoters must hold their shares for a minimum of two
years before they can be transferred. The Board of Directors of a public
limited company must have a minimum of five members, at least half of
Them are Thai nationals. The registration fee is 2,000 baht per million
baht of capital for a public limited company.
A joint venture may be described in accordance with
general practice as a group of persons (natural and/or juristic)
entering into an agreement in order to carry on a business together. It
has not yet been recognized as a legal entity under the Civil and
Commercial Code. However, income from the joint venture is subject to
corporate taxation under the Revenue Code, which classifies it as a
single entity.
A representative office is limited in engaging in
non-profit activities. In order to form a representative office, at
least one of the following purposes would need to be sought for the
purposes of limited “non-trading” activities:
The business is to search for the source of goods or services in Thailand for the headquarters overseas
To check the quality and quantity of the product ordered by the headquarters overseas
To give advices to the headquarters about the goods to order
To supply the information of the headquarters’ products to the customers in Thailand
To report the economic movement in Thailand to the headquarters
How to Form a Company
The name to be reserved must not be the same or
close to that of other companies. Certain names are not allowed and
therefore the name reservation guidelines of the Business Development
Office in the Ministry of Commerce should be observed. The approved
corporate name is valid for 30 days. No extension is allowed.
A Memorandum of Association to be filed with the
Business Development Office must include the name of the company that
has been successfully reserved, the province where the company will be
located, its business objectives, the capital to be registered, and the
names of the seven promoters.
The capital information must include the number of shares and the par
value. At the formation step, the authorized capital, although partly
paid, must all be issued.Although there are no minimum capital
requirements, the amount of the capital should be respectable enough and
adequate for the intended business operation.
Once the share structure has been defined, a
statutory meeting is called during which the articles of incorporation
and bylaws are approved, the Board of Directors is elected and an
auditor appointed. A minimum of 25 percent of the par value of each
subscribed share must be paid.
Within three months of the date of the Statutory
Meeting, the directors must submit the application to establish the
company. Company registration fees are 500 baht per 100,000 baht of
registered capital. The minimum fee is 5,000 baht; the maximum is
250,000 baht.
Businesses liable for income tax must obtain a tax
I.D. card and number for the company from the Revenue Department within
60 days of incorporation or the start of operations. Business operators
earning more than 600,000 baht per annum must register for VAT within 30
days of the date they reach 600,000 baht in sales.
First, let me go thru a brief list of "DON'Ts":
Most of the serious problems I hear are not legal problems involving the
government. They are problems involving their expat or Thai business
Most come from people who are inexperienced in doing business, don't
have a trustworthy and experienced business partner, get into trouble
following tricky and dodgy guidance, and/or don't do the proper research
and work in their particular field or specialization.
Notably, I advise people to NOT set up a company (nor employ my
company's services) just to get a longterm visa in Thailand or to buy
property in your company's name (since foreigners cannot own land in
Thailand, with few exceptions). Shell companies for these two purposes
are both illegal and discouraged by the Thai government. It's also a
lot of paperwork, added expenses, and hassle -- overall just not worth
it. It's better to just do visa runs (all considered) and get land on
30 year leases on property (extendable to 60 years and more) -- which
are both legitimate. In my opinion. Unless you have a real business of
Of course, there are many lawyers who are happy to take your money and
set up one of these "legal constructs". However, you will be the one
holding the baby. The lawyers always make their profit. You may use
their accountants recurrently, and there may be unforseen additional
costs and hassles which they might attribute to changing government
regulations, so you should consider all this before you try to set up
any kind of shell company for a visa or property purchase.
I've know many foreigners who set up their first business (ever in their
life) in Thailand and who are successful, but they had true intentions,
were determined, committed, perseverant, self-disciplined, willing to
learn, good natured, and had good guidance. If you're not really
serious about starting up a business, then please don't inquire. It's
OK if this is your first business, but you need to be committed, not
just want some tricky shell company. We won't face the government
officials and try to trick them.
Another don't: Do not believe everything you hear about bribes being
required. Often, I hear of people saying that bribes to brokers are
required for achieving ordinary things -- in which the bribes are NOT
required and which we do routinely and quickly without offering bribes.
What's to stop the broker from pocketing the bribe in whole or in part?
Few people will admit to screwing up or giving bad guidance, but there
is a lot of questionable activity in Thailand, and peer groups of dodgy
characters, all of which lead to "urban legends" being parroted. There
are 2 sides to every story. In general, your "Thailand experience" will
depend on considerable measure on the "karma" of those you choose.
Your success or difficulty will mostly depend on things like:
The market for your services or goods
Your research
Any licenses required for your goods (especially things like foods requiring an FDA approval process)
Your general experience and ability to do business
Your partner(s), if any
The quality of the staff you hire
Your peer group and guidance
It is illegal for an individual to work in Thailand without a "work
permit" (a little booklet that looks like a passport) and a tax ID
number (you get a laminated card approximately the size of a driver's
license). (Foreigners with real Thai families in clearly good standing
with their good family are often given breaks in this regard, so if you
fit this description but aren't good at business, be careful to not
waste precious family resources.)
Rocker Seksan Sukpimai, better known as Sek Loso, was today given a
two-year suspended jail sentence after the Criminal Court found him
guilty of assaulting in April this year.
The court first sentenced him to two years and six months
in prison for assaulting and seriously injured Ms Chanokchol “Bee”
Boonpeng, his ex-wife personal assistant on April 13 in Raminthra area
of Bangkok.
But the court reduced the sentence by half to one year and
three months and a 2,000 baht fine. However his jail sentence was
suspended for two years after he pleaded guilty.
Sek’s associate Sahachart Poonsri who also faced the same
charge was also given two years in jail but commuted to one year. His
jail sentence was also suspended for two years.
During the probation period, both were also ordered by the court to do charity work three times within one year.
Both were brought before the Criminal Court to hear assault
charges stemming from a clash with his ex-wife’s personal assistant in
the Ram Intra area in April.
At the time of the attack, Sek’s ex-wife Wiphakorn “Kan” Sukpimai flayed him on social media for assaulting Bee.
Kan said she was horrified Sek assaulted her assistant
while in the presence her younger sister, Kae, and the couple’s teen
daughter, Kwang.
She also posted an image of him kicking Bee, who was admitted to hospital with a broken left jaw.
List of SWIFT codes, or Routing numbers for Thai
banks. They are required when sending money to a Thai account in order
to streamline the transfer process...
Applying for permanent residence in Thailand is a confusing
process and is only open to a few thousand people every year. If you
decide to apply for permanent residency, be prepared for a bureaucratic
roller-coaster ride!
The Thai Immigration Department has a quota for
all expatriates applying for residence permits. Only 100 people per
nationality can apply, and in some years you can only apply for a
residency during three months of the year. Permanent residency is
mandatory if you want to apply for Thai citizenship.
You can apply for a Thai residence permit if:
You need the citizenship for business or employment reasons
You need permanent residency for investment purposes (min. 3 - 10 Mil. Baht investment in Thailand)
You are an expert or an academic doing research
You are supporting your spouse or children who are Thai citizens or you are dependant on a Thai citizen
You are accompanying a family member who has a residency permit
You are retired in Thailand (and will likely stay in Thailand permanently)
You can apply for a Thai residence permit at the Bangkok Immigration
Office which is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. It can
get extremely crowded so it is recommended to arrive there early (before
the opening hours).
Requirements for the permanent residence
qualify for a permanent residence permit, you will have to have held a
non-immigrant visa consistently for at least 3 years. If your
application is approved, you will receive the resdence blue book. In
addition to this, you will also receive an alien registration book (red
book), which will be issued to you at the local police station.
card is the equivalent of the Thai ID card. You must re-register every
year. However, if you wish to leave the country and then return to
Thailand, you will have to apply for a re-entry permit (endorsement).
You cannot have any criminal record either in Thailand or your country
of origin and your fingerprints will be taken. The Residency Permit
itself never expires, unless revoked.
You do not need a lawyer for the immigration process.
However, a lawyer could save you some running around by giving you
useful advice on how to show your contribution to society, ensure that
all your Thai-language company documents are correct and to complete and
handle the translation of documents.
Check the Immigration Bureau's website for a list of the required documents for permanent residence applications.
Interview for permanent residence
obtain Thai permanent residency, you will be interviewed by an officer
at the Thai Immigration Office. You will be asked questions about your
documents, background and religion. The officer will note your answers
which will be printed afterwards so that you can sign them.
You will also have to answer 10 multiple choice
questions written in Thai. If you do not read Thai well, it is not a
problem because the officer will help you by reading the questions
aloud. After the test, you will have to go into a partitioned area and
introduce yourself in Thai. This will be recorded on a camera.
Usually you will receive your approval letter one and a
half years after your application, depending on the category you were
applying for. To obtain your certificate of residence, you will have to
visit the Thai Immigration Office within 30 days after you get the
approval letter and you will also have to submit the following:
The original and a copy of your passport
The original and a copy of your residence's House Registration Book Tabien Baan
12 (4x6cm) photos taken within the last 3 months
Fee paid in cash
The Thai Immigration Department has a quota for all expatriates
applying for residence permits. Only 100 people per nationality can
apply, and in some years you can only apply for a residency during three
months of the year. Permanent residency is mandatory if you want to
apply for Thai citizenship.
You can apply for a Thai residence permit if:
You need the citizenship for business or employment reasons
You need permanent residency for investment purposes (min. 3 - 10 Mil. Baht investment in Thailand)
You are an expert or an academic doing research
You are supporting your spouse or children who are Thai citizens or you are dependant on a Thai citizen
You are accompanying a family member who has a residency permit
You are retired in Thailand (and will likely stay in Thailand permanently)
You can apply for a Thai residence permit at the Bangkok Immigration
Office which is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. It can
get extremely crowded so it is recommended to arrive there early (before
the opening hours).
Requirements for the permanent residence
qualify for a permanent residence permit, you will have to have held a
non-immigrant visa consistently for at least 3 years. If your
application is approved, you will receive the resdence blue book. In
addition to this, you will also receive an alien registration book (red
book), which will be issued to you at the local police station. This
card is the equivalent of the Thai ID card. You must re-register every
However, if you wish to leave the country and then return to
Thailand, you will have to apply for a re-entry permit (endorsement).
You cannot have any criminal record either in Thailand or your country
of origin and your fingerprints will be taken. The Residency Permit
itself never expires, unless revoked.
You do not need a lawyer
for the immigration process. However, a lawyer could save you some
running around by giving you useful advice on how to show your
contribution to society, ensure that all your Thai-language company
documents are correct and to complete and handle the translation of
Check the Immigration Bureau's website for a list of the required documents for permanent residence applications.
Interview for permanent residence
obtain Thai permanent residency, you will be interviewed by an officer
at the Thai Immigration Office. You will be asked questions about your
documents, background and religion. The officer will note your answers
which will be printed afterwards so that you can sign them.
will also have to answer 10 multiple choice questions written in Thai.
If you do not read Thai well, it is not a problem because the officer
will help you by reading the questions aloud. After the test, you will
have to go into a partitioned area and introduce yourself in Thai. This
will be recorded on a camera.
Usually you will receive your
approval letter one and a half years after your application, depending
on the category you were applying for. To obtain your certificate of
residence, you will have to visit the Thai Immigration Office within 30
days after you get the approval letter and you will also have to submit
the following:
The original and a copy of your passport
The original and a copy of your residence's House Registration Book Tabien Baan
Pack medications in clearly labelled original containers and
obtain a signed and dated letter from your physician describing your
medical conditions, medications and syringes or needles. If you have a
heart condition, bring a copy of your electrocardiogram (ECG) taken just
prior to travelling.
If you take any regular medication bring
double your needs in case of loss or theft. In Thailand you can buy many
medications over the counter without a doctor’s prescription, but it
can be difficult to find the exact medication you are taking.
your home country’s Department of Foreign Affairs or the equivalent and
register your trip; this is a helpful precaution in the event of a
natural disaster.
The customs department (
maintains a helpful website with specific information about customs
regulations for travellers. Thailand allows the following items to enter
duty free:
reasonable amount of personal effects (clothing and toiletries)
professional instruments
200 cigarettes
1L of wine or spirits
Thailand prohibits the import of the following items:
firearms and ammunition (unless registered in advance with the police department)
illegal drugs
pornographic media
leaving Thailand, you must obtain an export licence for any antique
reproductions or newly cast Buddha images (except personal amulets).
Submitting two front-view photos of the object(s), a photocopy of your
passport, the purchase receipt and the object(s) in question, to the Office of the National Museum. Allow four days for the application and inspection process to be completed.
Twelve years of schooling is mandatory throughout Thailand.
people, however, don't go to school anywhere near that length of time.
The vast major of the Isaan people have finished grammar school at best.
One obstacle to a good education is, certainly, finances. The people
are poor and for most families, children start work at a young age.
There are also expenses involved with education.
All children, from
kindergarten through 12th grade, are required to wear uniforms. However,
many can't afford the uniforms in the first place. Some families with
two children, for example, can only afford one uniform. They buy a large
uniform which is shared between the children.
Having only one uniform,
one of the children must be absent every day. Another problem is
transportation to and from school. Most villages have a grammar school
which is close enough for the children to walk to. Often, though, the
high school is in the nearest market town, which can be many miles away,
separated by unkempt, dilapidated roads.
I only use this to show where they come from.Many of them after they meet a farang forget where they come from. And become "Hiso" as they say in thailand.Meanng they are high society girls. And only come back to this area to "show of" how well they have done. What they so, well the farange and how much he can provide for them.
I not say all is like this. But there are at least 80 % of them that are in bad egg basket.
A fast search and here is the picture i found.
Thai Girls.
The do have education and have simular behavior as educated en from the west.
The normally have a good job, because the have study up to master.
And they are woman that in fact has no problem to live alone.(Strong woman)
If you meet this kind of woman you are more lucky i would say.
The reason is that you not need to "Always help them".
Isaan woman have to get help. And if they get a job. It will be as Thai people say.
A lower kind of job. A cleaner, a food seller, contractor and so on.
After surgery you can not tell the differens between Thai and isaan Woman.
And here is my point.
If you marry a woman that come from Isaan, it is an person that not have got to learn many things. Also how to behave your self.
And these whitning treatment she will have to go to thailand to do. So you will have nagging about " I want to go thailand to fix.... this and that"
Because in europe i belive we not do this treatment. And a white woman want to become darker. So then these treatment she have to fly to thailand to do.
And she might have to ask to go many time. My friend had to do this 4-6 times for his wife.
And i ask you WHY!!!
I just say, if i wanted a car. And i really would tryto get it. Then i save my money or take an xtra job where i could get my dream.
And when i finally had enough money i would buy my dream car.
BUT not these isaan woman.
In their head you are the one who should give them their dream.
And that is for many thing. So in my mind i think, " when you have a small kid near the candy. And you say NO. And he or she tottaly lose it in the shop. And you stand there and thinking " ohhh my GOD i hope nobody i know see how my kid is"
Like this kid.Only the kid is you wife from isaan.And she should know better. But her mum never teach her enough.Remeber only basic school. And you really have a 25 year - 35 year old kid with makeup and alots of surgery done.
The famous V-Shap
This is how thai girls want their face to look like
To do this they use meso fat and botox.
And they need to go almost every year to maintain this shap. Some have to go every half year.
So to keep your beautiful wife then you might need to pay for it if you choose wrong girl.
Because a strong thai girl would manage this herself.
Open eye and contact lense
Did you know that they do eye to look like farange.
Here is an man.
And see his eyes. Also they use contact lenses to get bigger eyes.
2 layer thai call this treatment and some even uses tape sold to make you eyes become bigger. Something you will never find in europe.
Contact lenese is not exensive it cost 100 - 150 bath in cheap places.
In my head again.
WHY make your eyes not look like asian ? This is just strange. You have an "Asian - farange clone thing".
Conclusion If you marry woman after surgery. And you as many others belive that this is a Thai girl. Then you might be in for a "bumpy ride"
Here is the reason. And thai woman , yes thai woman does not need you really.And she can find an man in asia easy. So if she marry she do it out of love.
An isaan woman marry only for changing her life. And hopefully an education in your home place. You will become a teacher without knowing that. She want you to learn her everything, from english to ways to improve her future.
And you will have to pay for her new surgery.If not then all hell breaks lose.
But think about this. If you have a kid, then her orginal look will come to your baby. Did you want that? And maybe you have to pay for the baby surgery when she or him become 16 years old.
As the audio clip in the top show. Many girls become "pretty girls". Yes it is called that. Meaning is that their job is to be the face out for the company product.
And you will see them in center and shopping mall where they talk in a speaker and is so annoying that you real want to just leave the center.
Yes sshe might become nice to look on. But if you just have basic education and many things as normal behavior is not learned. Then you have a pretty girl with no brain and you have to teach her all .
You know what i think you not wanted that. You wanted a woman that at least could handle to turn on a washing machine . And was able to learn some kind of work later on.
So white skin 6 month
Botox and mesofat 6 month
Surgery for big eyes
Nosebone surgery
And you end up with a beautiful 25-35 year old "baby " woman that is not able to fix anything by herself.
Why in Gods name do anybody want that. Then i have to say better to get an white woman. A least she has education and will take care of her own needs. And she know how to turn on washing machine . (Only use to make a point)