mandag 21. november 2016

Documentary - Sex tourism and porn industry in Thailand

France 24 - Sex tourism and porn industry in Thailand

The sex Tourisme in Thailand Documentary HD 720p 


Thailand : Wives and Female Sex Tourism 

part 1/3 - Society and Sexuality - Discovery & Documentary


Part 2

Part 3


Thai Sex Workers Organize  

Part 1

Part 2


BANGKOK GIRL | Thailand Nightlife Tourism - Deleted Interviews

This is more serious. An Thai woman that talk about things that nobody say straight out.

Thaiwoman and sex


Thai woman and money

The reason i put these video out onto my blogg, is to learn people. So what do i hope you learn.

-Learn how thaiwoman catch men. 

-How their views are on husband and money. 

-What are their education. And where they come from.

- Would you marry a girl in europe that has no educartion. 

I have learned that white women are thinking that the men that is married to a thai woman. 

Is ugly men that not can find other woman.And they go to thailand to get a wife. Or they go because they are bad men ... and so on.

Well some do. But i think most men who get a thai wife. Are tired of the way white women treat them.

When i was younger i run after girls.Yes run after in a way where you try to fit into the woman world. You had to have a nice car,nice clothes and expensive this and that.

And the guys that had most money got the "IN girls"

This is the girls that every men hope to be with.But as i got older i see something change.

The same woman that was "in girls" got to learn the guys they ended up with. And most of them was well assholes.

But in this time these woman dropped in "the in scale" and was now not so hot anymore.

And now they started to look for stable men. But the stable men had moved on. And now they moved on to some girls they had no chance to compete with.

But many men that also got hurt by these IN girls, had now had enough.

Most men i know that is with a thai woman, has been with white women before. And their experiences is a way that tottaly destroy a man.

Why is that. Well here it is:

A white woman always try to change the man. If he like to fish. Then she not like that so she try tochange the man to like shopping.

If he likes to play fotball or any sport. Then she uses ways to make her needs first.

And i can go on an on about this.With how men dress and their way to change us.

Amd that is why men prefer thai woman. Thai woman not try to change you.

They might tell you what you look nice in. Like if i  like white shirts.

A Thaiwoman would say. " Dear have you tried to use blue shirt".

And i think well that i never try. And she might say ohh you look nice and and thin. You are sexy in that shirt.

And that make us buy that blue shirt. A white woman would say. I think you look fat and that shirt is ugly.

And after that treatment you feel 2 cm high. But this is not all woman in thailand who do this.

But their way is not to make a man feel bad. And if you like something she make you do it. My wife know that i like to see old tv show.

Like Kojak,The saint, and so on. So if  like that she make me some food. Kiss me and then say honey i go to the bed room to see thai tv naaaa.(Naa thai woman use if they talk cute to you. It is like they flirt little and smile)

And i never need to change anything. She allow me to be me.

And if i was with an white "in" girl i have lost almost myself totally.

She might even try to change how is my friends and so on. 

But it is a but. If you marry a woman from the wrong place in thailand. Then you might end up worse then ever.

And the girls in the documentary above is not somebody you should marry.

Also if you marry a girl in thailand. Then think like this.

I take her home. And what do i hope will happen.

Do she want to work?

Do she help you and try to make a home with you.

Do you expect her to do the same things as an white women.Because now she is in you country.

Well if you do, then you need to thinklike me.

You not marry a woman that has no education. And has no skill from before.And if she has been a sex worker she has seen a lot.

And she will not want to do hard work as cleaner.

So if you are educated then you want to fin a woman near your background.

Also never get a girl that is to young.Reason is they never really love you. She is only there to find something new later on. You are the a bus stop. Where she wait until she can leave. And has enough money to pay for herself.

And Thai girls do change fast when they come to europe.

Also i ave found out somehing. If your girl always need to talk to other girls. Like they sit on the floor and eat thai food.Many times they talk about things that they would do later on.And how they do it.

And they are very clever to share how to o this an that. Then you might find yourself alone after short time again.

And here is something they do. They seek help and learn from same woman that you in the first place left you country to avoid.

So now white woman lern the thai how to get divorce and how to get this and that.

And now we become a bad guy. We man are often men who hit and we doonly bad thins to these small girls.

Well for some it is true. But most of the time.ANd here is what you white women not know. Is that these girls are playing also you.

They use you for know how. And later on they might even steal your husband.

Because girls from poor background use anyway to get to their goal. And i mean anything.

So not think that all white men that is bad to the small thai girl. IT might be that the thaigirl use you and the white guy to come to next level.

A rich man how she can get her needs covered.

And a poor Thaigirl always want to show off.

The want surgery, nice house in Thailand and

A car or motorcykle both in and in Thailand.

And so on.

When you as a man is not ale to give all her needs, then it is time to move on.

And here is why i write my blog. Learn where the woman come from and see also documentry where not to find a girl you want as your wife.

Books online

Thai Women ... What A Foreign Man Should Know Kindle Edition

Thai-Western Relationships (More Thailand Fever) Kindle Edition

Thailand: How To Meet A Good Thai Lady (Thai Life Book 7) Kindle Editio




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