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lørdag 12. januar 2019

New source of info:

Dust pollution in Bangkok area again exceeds safety level

So yesterday i come home and it look like fog. It was so thick that i had problem see my own street.

Well now i know why.

No wonder i need to go to doctor for allergy all the time.
I Norway i never seen this.

What is strange is that next morning it all was gone. Where did i come from ?

update Former PM Yingluck reported to have Cambodian passport

Prayut rejects call for detente with Thaksin

Cambodia denies having issued passport to ex-PM Yingluck

Keeping up with the Shinawatras: Ex-Thai PM now chairwoman for Chinese Port Co.


Former PM Yingluck has Cambodian passport, may have used it to flee: report



onsdag 9. januar 2019

2019 - 3 years has pasted since i write anything on my blogg

There have been 3 years since i wrote anything on my blogg.
The reason is that when you live in Thailand then you need to be careful what you write on a blogg.
I have been careful since military started to monitor what was written about them on the web.

And i not wanted any problem.

But as the years go by i have learned a lot. There are many facebook pages that the info now are shared. Something that not was before when i started this blogg.

To day i share a place where you find a lot of news that sometimes is not known for "farange"

The link :

TV stream

Norwegian Radio - Can be heared here. : Property

Music Weekly Asia

Thailand Hotels - Special Promotion offer

Flights to Bangkok

One Stop Real Estate Pattaya

Thai dating, Thai girls looking for love, dating and marriage.
