torsdag 18. juli 2019

Thailand is struggeling

For the last year it has been changes in Thailand. There have been changes in the l was that is not as nice for foreigners living in Thailand.

I started to notice that many start to move when I saw they sell their tings on Facebook. After 8 month I saw that something was happening. People from Scandinavia, USA, India was selling and moving out.
I started to search on “moving sale” and I got shock. Last week I really got a surprise when I saw a Chinese woman selling 3 cars in the same time. She also said she not wanted to move out, but had too.

The cars where 2 brand new Benz and a really nice Honda. Her house looked amazing so then I started to wonder. For one week then it come.

News from Phuket, Pattaya was that the tourist has dropped 30 %. But after seen this, it is much higher. This numbers are not right. I have been in Thailand since 2008. And I never seen this.

Rules for insurance, laws against foreigners living in Thailand. Higher police activity and immigration bust. A baht Thai now is higher then ever. And this make foreigner move.
Most foreigner in one or to ways love Asian food. But many miss their home when they are in Thailand. And for me it was the food that I missed most.

Yes I could buy in store like Villa market, Tops and so on. But the prices was now to high for foreigner food.

Also since 2008 the electrical bill has gone up 50 % since I come to Thailand.
Maybe that is what make people leave who knows.
I let the readers view this video and see for yourself. I am never see so good space on the beach.  I never see so many empty bars and so on as now.

Are Pattaya , Phuket heading in to bankruptcy. They say that well people from India has now come instead.
People from India do not spend money in a same way.

 Some people go to thailand to meet woman, but i have now seen that this is also not so "hot". Many has become a victim of this. And now they also say Thai do to much surgery.And start to not look like Thai anymore. Well what ever is the reason is is now making Thailand into a place that foreigners not want to be in .At least for some people.

Well here is a video from Phuket.

In my eyes, this video show that there is a lot of empty places on the beach. Compare to before.  And since Europeans now have a holiday it should be alot more people in here. But after a search i found out that now people not want to travel 13 - 20 hours. They want to use less time for travelling. And still can come home fast. To travel to thailand well it go 24 hours before you are at your hotel. Then you really are tired after travelling that far. And this might be another reason.

I find it really strange that russians are not in the same numbers as before also.

Thai goverment do not seem to understand that hotel,bars,shops now are struggeling. And are not doing much to get a better baht. Well let us see how they will react when it has gone 6 months.

I also read to dy that people are sorry that they order ticket for Christmas. And that they will travel to Vietnam next time. So that mean people already plan 1 year ahead for their holiday. So this has not really hit thailand yet. How is Pattaya next year i wonder. Well i share som newes and a video som you can make up your mind.

  30% less Western Tourists in Pattaya and Phuket

            How much does it cost in Pattaya now!!!

Link and sources:

And If you go to see their currency it is not stronger,so why is indian coming now. Most likely after seeing a video on youtube. Is that they are trying to see if they can start a buisness in Thailand.

Is indian people the answer really. After talking to people i now see something i never heard before.

"Well then i am done with this place" was one of the thing i hear.

But i wonder why Indin people not visit before?
And If you go to see their currency it is not stronger,so why is indian coming now. Most likely after seeing a video on youtube. Is that they are trying to see if they can start a business in Thailand.

Maybe people nowadays look on cheaper place to have their holiday.

One more thing that people might see as better is that to have an holiday in Europe then people understand you. In Thailand the new generation is really nice. They speak english very well. And i find it much easier then when i come in 2008.But still it is really hard to get around in Thailand because they really want us to speak thai.

Strange when Thai nowadays travel more. Then they should learn English more.

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