Jeg har ved flere anledninger opplevet å få problemer med maven i Thailand.
Derfor har jeg nå utstyrt meg med en sak som kan være løsningen for dette problemet.
Det som man ikke tenker på er at mange ganger er renholdet av glass og kopper ikke det samme som vi Nordboere er vant med.
Thaiene er vant med ulike bakterier, men våre mager tåler mye mindre en Thaiene.
Videre kan man unngå noe av problemet med å kjøpe vann. Men det man ikke tenker på er at isbiter kan være fra vann som ikke er renset.
Men nå håper jeg at dette er et problem som ikke skal skje lengre. Produktet som jeg ha kjøpt til mitt Thailand opphold heter Steripen.
Denne finnes i flere utgaver:
Journey LCD Water Purifier
Adventurer Opti Water Purifier
Sidewinder Water Purifier
Classic Water Purifier
Traveler Mini |
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Søk på Steripen på youtube og se mer hvordan den virker
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What It Kills
SteriPEN treats a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts, such as:
Bacteria - These guys may be teeny tiny, but they can do some major damage. Ever heard of necrotizing fasciitis? How about if we call it Flesh Eating Bacteria? And bacteria's right in the name!
Campylobacter - Campers beware, campylobacter is the leading cause of bacterial diarrhea...and it's found everywhere!
Cholera - Little Timmy might have died from this in the Oregon Trail game, but it's very real. Cholera infects the intestines and while it's rare in places with proper infrastructure, it can still be found in brackish rivers and coastal water.
Cryptosporidium - Like Cholera, these guys live in your intestines! Now that's a one-way relationship you don't want to be a part of!
Escherichia coli - You know this one better as E. coli, and in most cases, he's on your side (and in your stomach). In healthy people, E. coli actually makes vitamins your body needs and helps keep more harmful bacteria in check. But watch out for the black sheep of the family, E. coli O157:H7. It may be rare, but this strain releases a powerful toxin that will damage the lining of the intestine and cause severe sickness.
Giardia – They say there’s lots of fish in the sea, and with Giardia, it’s true – it’s found all over the world and it one of the most common causes of waterbourne illnesses and THE most common cause of non-bacterial diarrhea in North America. But at least if you let this parasite into your life, it’ll be a give and take relationship - it’ll take your small intestine for its home and give you a bad case of diarrhea in return.
Hepatitis – This little virus can live in your water. Luckily, the SteriPEN purifiers can destroy Hepatitus A, B, C, and D. How’s that for justice?
Legionella – You might think the water in your hotel is safe, but that might not be the case. The ninja-like legionella bacterium can hide out in larger organisms and fall though the cracks when your water is disinfected in large water distribution centers like those in hotels and even hospitals. And take it from us, you don’t want a legion of legionella floating around inside your body!
Protozoan parasite – Protozoan parasites represent a whole classification of nasty baddies who are live in the cells and tissues of other living creatures and they’re looking to make you their next host. Protozoans can cause a whole laundry list of problems, from targeting the central nervous system to diarrhea. No matter your symptoms, you don’t want one of these guys to be your guest.
Salmonella – When your mom told you not to eat raw eggs, she was trying to save you from this bacterium, but salmonella can also live in water (and animals…and dry environments…) for several months. Salmonella can cause all sorts of diseases from typhoid fever to salmonellis, none of which are much fun to have.
Shigella – Don’t let the name fool you, shigella isn’t shy when it comes to getting to know a new host. Even just a few bacterium can cause a infections like dysentery, shigellosis or hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Viruses – Remember when we said bacteria are tiny? Viruses are 100 times smaller than a single bacteria cell and they’re so cut throat that they’ll hijack the cells of other organisms to help them do things they can’t do on their own, like eat, grow and multiply...moochers!
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