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onsdag 13. november 2013

Usefull phone numbers to know in Thailand

Emergency Numbers

- Emergency call center (Police, Fire, Ambulance) : 191
- Police :191
- Fire Brigades : 199
- Ambulance : 1554
- Tourism Police (English, French, and German spoken) : 1155
- Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) : 1672
- Crime Suppression : 195
- Highway Police : 1193
- Immigration Bureau : +66 (0) 2287 3101 - 10

Other Useful Numbers

- Telephone Directory Assistance : 1133
- Tourist Service Center : 1672
- Suvarnabhumi International Airport : +66 (0)2 132-1888
- Thai Airways : 1566
- Railway Call Center : 1690
- Thailand Yellow Pages : 1188
- Bangkok Taxi Call Center : 1681, 1661, +66 (0)2 424-2222
- Airport Taxi : +66 (0)2 973-3191
- Inter-province Bus Call Center : +66 (0)2 579-5599
- Credit Card (American Express) : +66 (0)2 273 5100
- Credit Card (Dinner Club) : +66 (0)2 238 2920
- Credit Card (Visa, Master Card) : +66(0)2 256 7326-7

Embassies Numbers

- Argentina : +66 (0)2 259-0401, (0)2 259-9198
- Australia : +66 (0)2 287-2680
- Austria : +66 (0)2 287-3970-2, (0)2 303-6057
- Bangladesh : +66 (0)2 392-9437-8
- Belgium : +66 (0)2 679-5454
- Belize : +66 (0)2 636-8377
- Bhutan : +66 (0)2 274-4740-2
- Brazil : +66 (0)2 285-6080
- British : +66 (0)2 305-8333
- Brunei : +66 (0)2 204-1476-9
- Bulgaria : +66 (0)2 391-6180-1
- Cambodia : +66 (0)2 254-6630, (0)2 253-9851
- Canada : +66 (0)2 636-0540
- Chile : +66 (0)2 260-3870, (0)2 260-3892
- China : +66 (0)2 245-7043-4
- Czech Republic : +66 (0)2 255-3027, (0)2 255-5060
- CUBA : +66 (0)2 665-2803
- Denmark : +66 (0)2 343-1100
- Egypt : +66 (0)2 661-7184, (0)2 266-0236
- Finland : +66 (0)2 256-9306-9
- France : +66 (0)2 657-5100
- Germany : +66 (0)2 287-9000
- Greece : +66 (0)2 679-1462
- Hungary : +66 (0)2 661-1150-2
- India : +66 (0)2 258-0300-5
- Indonesia : +66 (0)2 252-3135-9
- Iran : +66 (0)2 259-0611-3, (0)2 258-9322
- Iraq : +66 (0)2 278-5335-7
- Israel : +66 (0)2 204-9200
- Italy : +66 (0)2 285-4090-3
- Japan : +66 (0)2 252-6151-9
- Korea (DPRK) : +66 (0)2 319-2686
- Korea (ROK) : +66 (0)2 247-7537-41
- Kuwait : +66 (0)2 636-6600, (0)2 636-7461
- Laos : +66 (0)2 539-6667-8, (0)2 539-6679
- Malaysia : +66 (0)2 679-2190-9
- Maxico : +66 (0)2 285-0995
- Morocco : +66 (0)2 653-2444-6
- Myanmar : +66 (0)2 234-0278
- Nepal : +66 (0)2 391-7240, (0)2 390-2280
- Netherlands : +66 (0)2 254-7701-5
- New Zealand : +66 (0)2 254-2530
- Nigeria : +66 (0)2 391-5197
- Norway +66 (0)2 302-6415
- Oman +66 (0)2 639-9380-2
- Pakistan +66 (0)2 253-0288-9
- Panama +66 (0)2 679-7988-9
- Peru : +66 (0)2 260-6243, (0)2 260-6245, (0)2 260-6248
- Phillippines : +66 (0)2 259-0139-40
- Poland : +66 (0)2 251-8891-2
- Portugal : +66 (0)2 234-7435-6, (0)2 234-2123
- Romania : +66 (0)2 617-1551
- Russia : +66 (0)2 234-9824, (0)2 268-1169
- Saudi Arabia : +66 (0)2 639-2960-3, (0)2 639-2999
- Singapore : +66 (0)2 286-2111, (0)2 286-1434
- Slovak Republic : +66 (0)2 677-3445-6
- South Africa : +66 (0)2 253-8473-6
- Spain : +66 (0)2 252-6112, (0)2 253-5132-4
- Sri Lanka : +66 (0)2 261-1934-5, (0)2 665-7299, (0)2 261-1938
- Sweden : +66 (0)2 263-7200
- Switzerland : +66 (0)2 253-0156-60
- Turkey : +66 (0)2 274-7262-3
- Ukraine : +66 (0)2 685-3215
- United Arab Emirates : +66 (0)2 639-9820-4
- U.S.A. : +66 (0)2 205-4000
- Vietnam : +66 (0)2 251-7202, (0)2 251-3552

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